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Design Standards <br />7 <br />New Section 4.04.336, Multi-family and Mixed-Use <br />Residential Development <br />Consolidate and comprehensively update multi-family and <br />mixed-use residential design standards <br />Building Design Requirements•Orientation and entrances:Toward street with regular, <br />emphasized entrances•Roof lines: Varied and designed to screen equipment •Facades:Blank walls over 30’ prohibited, massing breaks required <br />Buildings >3 stories required to implement design features to <br />distinguish upper and lower floors <br />o Townhomes required to distinguish between individual units <br />o Details and changes in materials required <br />o Minimum three colors and materials required for each façade•Windows and openings: <br />o Minimum amount of ground level transparency <br />o Minimum window trim depth and recesses for residential uses•Updated Amenities List <br />A menu of options for meeting standards to accommodate <br />a variety of styles while maintaining quality design