Laserfiche WebLink
Design Standards <br />9 <br />Site Design Requirements•Frontage improvements:Required consistent with City <br />plans, including complete streets, Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />Master Plan, etc.•Vehicle Parking: <br />o Located behind active uses and setback 40’ from street <br />o In Residential Districts, limited to 40% of street frontage <br />and designed to avoid a massive appearance <br />o Accessed from a side street, where possible <br />o No parking required for nonresidential uses less than <br />5,000 square feet and part of a mixed-use development <br />o Minimum 15% of spaces must be EV charging spaces <br />(PC recommendation)•Loading: Loading docks integrated into the building <br />envelope and/or screened •Pedestrian access: Pedestrian walkways connect on-site <br />areas, public sidewalks, and transit stops