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8F Consent
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Alameda CTC Agreement No. A22-0035 <br />Project No. 157900 <br /> <br />Page 5 of 16 <br /> 2021 PFA Version <br />11. The cost of maintenance, security, or protection performed by PROJECT SPONSOR or third- <br />party contractors during any temporary suspension of activities associated with the PROJECT will not be <br />considered an eligible cost for reimbursement by ALAMEDA CTC. <br /> <br />12. PROJECT SPONSOR shall advertise, award and administer all professional services contracts for <br />PROJECT work not performed by PROJECT SPONSOR. <br /> <br />13. PROJECT SPONSOR shall invite ALAMEDA CTC staff to participate as a voting member of <br />PROJECT SPONSOR’s selection panel for the selection of all professional consultants, and furnish drafts of all <br />professional services contracts, upon ALAMEDA CTC’s request. <br /> <br />14. All locally funded contracts approved by PROJECT SPONSOR, funded wholly or in part with <br />Measure B, Measure BB, and/or Vehicle Registration Fee funds administered by ALAMEDA CTC, except for <br />contracts that also include state and/or federal funds or contracts funding non-capital projects (e.g., transit <br />operations), are required to comply with ALAMEDA CTC’s Local Business Contract Equity (LBCE) Program <br />as listed and described in Appendix D: Local Business Contract Equity Program Requirements. PROJECT <br />SPONSOR shall comply with the reporting requirements set forth in the LBCE Program and provide the <br />required information to ALAMEDA CTC in accordance with Appendix D for all contracts partially or wholly <br />funded by ALAMEDA CTC, whether or not the specific contract is subject to the LBCE Program. <br /> <br />15. PROJECT SPONSOR shall require insurance coverage that names ALAMEDA CTC, its <br />governing body, officers, employees and consultants as additional insureds of the PROJECT SPONSOR, <br />professional services consultants and subconsultants, construction services contractors and subcontractors, <br />volunteer service individuals, and any other contractors or subcontractors involved with the PROJECT on all <br />insurance required by PROJECT SPONSOR for PROJECT. PROJECT SPONSOR shall keep and maintain <br />insurance certificates and policy endorsements evidencing the policies on file, and furnish the same to <br />ALAMEDA CTC upon request. ALAMEDA CTC will not be responsible for any premiums or assessments on <br />any policy. If this AGREEMENT includes any TFCA funds, PROJECT SPONSOR shall also comply with the <br />insurance requirements specified in Appendix G: Transportation Fund for Clean Air Policies and <br />Requirements. <br /> <br />16. PROJECT SPONSOR shall provide ALAMEDA CTC with periodic (i.e., monthly, quarterly or <br />semi-annually) progress reports describing the current status of the PROJECT. The required progress reporting <br />frequency schedule and forms are provided in Appendix C: Alameda CTC Request for Reimbursement and <br />Reporting Requirements. Progress reports are due by the last day of each calendar month following the <br />established reporting period in which the work was performed. These reports shall include PROJECT status <br />information such as the scope of work completed to date, total costs incurred, future actions, project <br />performance, issues identification, changes to scope or schedule, and any additional relevant information <br />requested by ALAMEDA CTC. <br /> <br />17. PROJECT SPONSOR shall submit to ALAMEDA CTC a Request for Reimbursement in <br />accordance with the minimum required invoicing frequency established for the PROJECT, but not more than <br />one such request per month, for reimbursement of eligible PROJECT costs and expenses incurred by PROJECT <br />SPONSOR. The required minimum invoicing frequency and invoice forms are provided in Appendix C: <br />Alameda CTC Request for Reimbursement and Reporting Requirements. If PROJECT SPONSOR does not <br />307
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