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Alameda CTC Agreement No. A22-0035 <br />Project No. 157900 <br /> <br />Page 6 of 16 <br /> 2021 PFA Version <br />incur any reimbursable expenses during the minimum invoicing period, in lieu of submitting an invoice, <br />PROJECT SPONSOR shall submit a letter or a statement as part of the required progress report for the same <br />period confirming that no reimbursable costs were incurred during the given period. If PROJECT SPONSOR <br />requests reimbursement for costs incurred as a result of a contract or agreement with a third party that <br />contains a contract value of $50,000 or greater, e.g. a consultant, contractor or other entity, PROJECT <br />SPONSOR shall submit an electronic copy of the fully executed contract or agreement to ALAMEDA CTC prior <br />to ALAMEDA CTC authorizing reimbursement of such costs. Supporting documentation for the Request for <br />Reimbursement packages includes copies of invoices from vendors, consultants, or contractors and <br />summaries of eligible PROJECT SPONSOR staff time charges. PROJECT SPONSOR may suggest an alternative <br />method, subject to approval in advance by ALAMEDA CTC, to document staff costs charged to the PROJECT. <br /> <br />18. PROJECT SPONSOR shall provide a Parcel and Utility Agreement Tracking Log upon <br />ALAMEDA CTC’s request, if the PROJECT includes the acquisition of right-of-way and/or the relocation or <br />protection of utility facilities. <br /> <br />19. PROJECT SPONSOR shall keep all necessary PROJECT records to demonstrate compliance <br />with this AGREEMENT, including documentation of activities, performance, progress reports, final report, <br />expenses and charges to support invoices submitted to ALAMEDA CTC and other PROJECT reporting <br />requirements as described in Appendix C: Alameda CTC Request for Reimbursement and Reporting <br />Requirements in one central location for a period of not less than five (5) years after the later of (i) ALAMEDA <br />CTC’s payment of the final invoice, (ii) the PROJECT SPONSOR’S submittal of the Final Report for ALAMEDA <br />CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS under this AGREEMENT, and (iii) the end of the PROJECT’S established “Years <br />of Effectiveness” period (as identified in Appendix G: Transportation Fund for Clean Air Policies and <br />Requirements) if any TFCA funds are provided under this AGREEMENT. <br /> <br />a. PROJECT SPONSOR and PROJECT SPONSOR’s contractors and subcontractors shall each <br />maintain and make available for inspection and audit all books, documents, papers, <br />accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to the performance of such contracts, <br />including, but not limited to, the costs of administering those various contracts. <br /> <br />b. PROJECT SPONSOR shall allow ALAMEDA CTC or its authorized representatives to inspect, <br />audit, or make copies of any PROJECT records for a period of five (5) years after ALAMEDA <br />CTC’s payment of the final invoice and the PROJECT SPONSOR’S submittal of the Final <br />Report. The same access also shall be granted to BAAQMD or its authorized <br />representatives for TFCA funds obligated by this AGREEMENT. <br /> <br />20. PROJECT SPONSOR shall comply with all of the following publicity requirements to inform <br />the public on the use of ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS on the PROJECT. <br /> <br />a. PROJECT SPONSOR shall credit ALAMEDA CTC as a funding source and display the <br />approved ALAMEDA CTC logo, where practical, on construction informational signs, <br />vehicles or equipment operated or obtained as part of the PROJECT, and on any publicly <br />distributed information (e.g., fact sheets, flyers, brochures, maps, schedules, websites, press <br />releases), created for or associated with the PROJECT. For TFCA funding obligated through <br />308