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Alameda CTC Agreement No. A22-0035 <br />Project No. 157900 <br /> <br />Page 7 of 16 <br /> 2021 PFA Version <br />this AGREEMENT, SPONSOR shall also credit the BAAQMD as a funding source and display <br />the BAAQMD-approved TFCA logo. <br /> <br />b. PROJECT SPONSOR shall provide updated and accurate PROJECT information on the <br />PROJECT SPONSOR’s website, or create such a website if none exists, and provide a link to <br />ALAMEDA CTC website. <br /> <br />c. PROJECT SPONSOR shall publish an article in a printed or electronically distributed <br />publication such as a newsletter, local newspaper, e-publications, or website highlighting the <br />PROJECT and the use of ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS at least once per fiscal year. <br />For TFCA funding obligated through this AGREEMENT, SPONSOR shall also credit the <br />BAAQMD as a funding source. <br /> <br />d. PROJECT SPONSOR shall document compliance with the publicity requirements and furnish <br />such documentation upon request, and regularly through the progress and final reporting <br />required by this AGREEMENT, through evidence such as photos of construction and vehicle <br />signage, copies of print, electronic and other media published to satisfy this requirement. <br />For TFCA funding obligated through this AGREEMENT, SPONSOR shall also document that <br />the BAAQMD was credited as a funding source and the BAAQMD-approved TFCA logos <br />were displayed. <br /> <br />e. PROJECT SPONSOR shall notify ALAMEDA CTC and request an exemption as soon as it is <br />reasonably known that the PROJECT SPONSOR is unable to fulfill the requirements under this <br />Section I.20 due to extraordinary circumstances. <br /> <br />21. PROJECT SPONSOR shall, to the extent not otherwise prohibited by law, and to the extent <br />required by the California Public Records Act (California Government Code section 6250 et seq.), place in <br />the public domain any software, written document, or other product developed with ALAMEDA CTC <br />ADMINISTERED FUNDS received through this AGREEMENT. <br /> <br />22. PROJECT SPONSOR shall participate, upon the request of ALAMEDA CTC, in a Public <br />Awareness Program in partnership with ALAMEDA CTC and/or its community advisory committees as a <br />means of informing the public of the benefits derived from the use of ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED <br />FUNDS. <br /> <br />23. PROJECT SPONSOR shall obtain all state, local and federal permits and approvals for work, <br />including environmental approvals in accordance with the National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) and the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as applicable. PROJECT SPONSOR will comply with all <br />applicable state and federal laws and regulations. <br /> <br />24. PROJECT SPONSOR shall render a report or answer any and all inquiries, upon ALAMEDA <br />CTC’s request, in regards to its receipt of ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS, compliance audit findings, <br />and usage of ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS before the ALAMEDA CTC Commission, Independent <br />Watchdog Committee, and/or community advisory committees, as applicable. <br /> <br />309