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8F Consent
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Alameda CTC Agreement No. A22-0035 <br />Project No. 157900 <br /> <br />Page 9 of 16 <br /> 2021 PFA Version <br />1. That ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS obligated by this AGREEMENT may be <br />shifted between the phases of the PROJECT or between activities in the same phase of the PROJECT, so long <br />as each of the following occurs: 1) PROJECT SPONSOR submits a written amendment request that provides <br />revised and updated Appendix A: Project Control Information forms documenting the requested funding <br />obligation shift and demonstrating to ALAMEDA CTC’s satisfaction that the phase or activity from which the <br />funds were shifted remains fully funded, and 2) the parties execute an amendment to this AGREEMENT <br />incorporating the revised and updated Appendix A forms as described above, which amendment shall be <br />approved by ALAMEDA CTC pursuant to applicable ALAMEDA CTC policies. <br /> <br />2. ALAMEDA CTC and the PROJECT SPONSOR may jointly authorize an “Administrative <br />Amendment” for any minor schedule revisions, deliverables, or budget revisions that do not increase the total <br />ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS obligated by this AGREEMENT. Any change in the PROJECT scope <br />of work must be approved by ALAMEDA CTC prior to implementation of the change by the PROJECT <br />SPONSOR. Administrative amendment requests sent to ALAMEDA CTC must include a revised Appendix A: <br />Project Control Information which reflects the requested changes by the PROJECT SPONSOR. <br /> <br />3. For the purposes of this AGREEMENT, (i) a “Contract” shall mean and refer to a third party <br />agreement with the PROJECT SPONSOR for services related to PROJECT, including agreements with another <br />public agency, consultant firm, contractor or entity; (ii) “PROJECT SPONSOR Staff” costs include costs for <br />staff dedicated directly to project implementation, management, oversight, and/or project development and <br />may include direct costs including contracted services, such as legal counsel, that are considered an extension <br />of PROJECT SPONSOR Staff; (iii) “Capital” with respect to any Right-of-Way Capital phase shall mean and <br />refer to the cost to acquire real property, access rights and other property interests; and (iv) “Agreement <br />Expiration Date” shall mean and refer to the expiration date of this AGREEMENT. <br /> <br />4. Reimbursable costs will be limited to the costs shown in Appendix A: Project Control <br />Information. Funds expended for work directly related to the phases of the PROJECT covered by this <br />AGREEMENT prior to the applicable allowable start date identified in Appendix B: ALAMEDA CTC <br />ADMINISTERED FUNDS Obligated by this AGREEMENT are ineligible for reimbursement pursuant to this <br />AGREEMENT. ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS obligated by this AGREEMENT are subject to fund <br />availability and any new requirements and policies imposed by ALAMEDA CTC. The AGREEMENT shall be <br />amended, as necessary, to reflect the applicable requirements. <br /> <br />5. If additional local, state or federal funding is obtained to partially offset ALAMEDA CTC <br />ADMINISTERED FUNDS planned for the PROJECT, ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS will not be <br />transferred from the PROJECT until after it is ensured that all phases of the PROJECT can be fully delivered. <br />ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS offset by additional local, state or federal funding shall be available <br />for PROJECT only after all other funding planned for PROJECT, as described in Appendix A: Project Control <br />Information, has been committed and/or encumbered to the PROJECT. <br /> <br />6. Should any portion of PROJECT be financed with federal or state funds, all applicable laws, <br />rules and policies relating to the use of such funds shall apply, notwithstanding other provisions of this <br />AGREEMENT. <br /> <br />311
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