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Alameda CTC Agreement No. A22-0035 <br />Project No. 157900 <br /> <br />Page 10 of 16 <br /> 2021 PFA Version <br />7. For TFCA funds obligated by this AGREEMENT, this AGREEMENT is subject to the current <br />BAAQMD-approved TFCA County Program Manager Fund Policies included in Appendix G: <br />Transportation Fund for Clean Air Policies and Requirements and any new requirements imposed by the <br />BAAQMD upon ALAMEDA CTC with respect to the TFCA funds distributed hereunder. ALAMEDA CTC <br />will only distribute TFCA funds under this AGREEMENT to the extent the documented project costs are <br />eligible under the applicable BAAQMD TFCA Policies. <br /> <br />8. The laws of the State of California shall govern this AGREEMENT. <br /> <br />9. All correspondence and communications will contain ALAMEDA CTC project number and <br />name for PROJECT in a clearly identifiable location. For projects with TFCA funds obligated by this <br />AGREEMENT, all correspondence and communications will also contain the TFCA project number as <br />identified in Appendix G: Transportation Fund for Clean Air Policies and Requirements. <br /> <br />10. ALAMEDA CTC reserves the right to conduct technical and financial audits of PROJECT <br />work and records when determined to be necessary or appropriate and PROJECT SPONSOR agrees, and shall <br />require its contractors and subcontractors to agree, to cooperate with ALAMEDA CTC by making all <br />appropriate and relevant PROJECT records promptly available for audit and copying. <br /> <br />11. PROJECT costs incurred by PROJECT SPONSOR are only eligible for reimbursement on a pro- <br />rated basis unless specifically provided for in Appendix A: Project Control Information, and PROJECT <br />SPONSOR is expected to concurrently seek reimbursement from the other sources shown in Project A: Project <br />Control Information. Pro-rated basis, as used herein, equals the amount of ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED <br />FUNDS obligated by this AGREEMENT to a phase, divided by the total funding for the phase, as shown in <br />Appendix A: Project Control Information. For any Request for Reimbursement which includes such <br />expenditures, PROJECT SPONSOR shall (i) report the total expenditures during the reimbursement period, (ii) <br />indicate the percentage of the total expenditures for the phase expected to be funded by ALAMEDA CTC <br />ADMINISTERED FUNDS obligated by this AGREEMENT, and (iii) request reimbursement for the dollar amount <br />which equals the product of such total expenditures and such percentage. <br /> <br />12. ALAMEDA CTC approval of PROJECT SPONSOR submitted Requests for Reimbursement will <br />be contingent on the submittal of progress reports and deliverables by PROJECT SPONSOR as required by this <br />AGREEMENT. In the event that progress reports and deliverables are not complete and current, approval of <br />Requests for Reimbursement shall be withheld until an acceptable remedy has been implemented and <br />approved by ALAMEDA CTC. If PROJECT SPONSOR fails to submit the required deliverables or otherwise fails <br />to meet the reporting and invoicing requirements of this AGREEMENT, ALAMEDA CTC may deobligate funds <br />from the PROJECT and this AGREEMENT. Not less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of any <br />such action, ALAMEDA CTC will endeavor to notify PROJECT SPONSOR in writing that the required <br />deliverables, invoicing and reporting is overdue. <br /> <br />13. Request for Reimbursements submitted after the Agreement Expiration Date identified in <br />Appendix B: Alameda CTC Administered Funds Obligated by this AGREEMENT will be ineligible for <br />reimbursement by ALAMEDA CTC unless an exception is requested by the PROJECT SPONSOR no less than <br />sixty (60) days before the Agreement Expiration Date, and the exception is approved by ALAMEDA CTC. <br />312