Alameda CTC Agreement No. A22-0035
<br />Project No. 157900
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<br />Page 2 of 16
<br /> 2021 PFA Version
<br />each annual motor-vehicle registration in Alameda County, starting with registrations effective July 2011 with
<br />collection beginning in May 2011, six months following approval of Measure F. Vehicles subject to the VRF
<br />include all motorized vehicles, including passenger cars, light-duty trucks, medium-duty trucks, heavy-duty
<br />trucks, buses of all sizes, motorcycles, and motorized camper homes, unless vehicles are expressly exempted
<br />from the payment of the VRF.
<br />
<br />D. By resolutions adopted by the ACTA and ACTIA Boards on June 24, 2010, all of ACTA’s
<br />functions and responsibilities were assigned to, and accepted by, ACTIA. On that same date, the ACTIA and
<br />ACCMA Boards took the final actions to create ALAMEDA CTC, a joint powers authority with all
<br />responsibilities of ACTIA and ACCMA. Pursuant to resolutions adopted by the ACTIA and ACCMA
<br />Boards and the Commission of ALAMEDA CTC, ACCMA and ACTIA were terminated as of the close of
<br />business on February 29, 2012, with ALAMEDA CTC designated as the successor entity. All of its
<br />predecessors’ functions and responsibilities have been assigned to, and accepted by, ALAMEDA CTC.
<br />
<br />E. The voters of Alameda County, pursuant to the provisions of the Local Transportation
<br />Authority and Improvement Act, California Public Utilities Code Section 180000 et seq., approved Measure
<br />BB at the General Election held on November 4, 2014, authorizing the extension of an existing one-half of
<br />one percent transaction and use tax scheduled to terminate on March 31, 2022, and the augmentation of the
<br />tax by one-half of one percent, and giving ALAMEDA CTC responsibility for the administration of the
<br />proceeds of the 2014 Measure BB tax. The duration of the 2014 Measure BB tax will be 30 years from the
<br />initial year of collection, which began April 1, 2015, with said tax to terminate/expire on March 31, 2045. The
<br />proceeds from the 2014 Measure BB will be used to pay for investments as outlined in the 2014 Alameda
<br />County Transportation Expenditure Plan (“2014 TEP”), as it may be amended.
<br />
<br />F. As the Transportation Fund for Clean Air (“TFCA”) Program Manager in Alameda County,
<br />ALAMEDA CTC annually programs 40 percent of the TFCA funds collected in Alameda County. ALAMEDA
<br />CTC receives these funds from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (“BAAQMD”), and then
<br />distributes these funds on a reimbursement basis to eligible project sponsors.
<br />
<br />G. ALAMEDA CTC is continuing the implementation of the CMA Exchange Program, originally
<br />established by the ACCMA, for the purpose of providing local or otherwise unrestricted funds to ALAMEDA
<br />CTC for use in projects and programs adopted into the CMA Transportation Improvement Program (“CMA
<br />TIP”) by ALAMEDA CTC.
<br />
<br />H. The funding programs administered by ALAMEDA CTC and available for projects and
<br />programs that benefit the Alameda County transportation system, consisting of 1986 Measure B, 2000
<br />Measure B, 2014 Measure BB, VRF, TFCA, and CMA TIP, are collectively defined as and shall be referenced
<br />herein as the “ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS”. Requirements related to 2000 Measure B, VRF and
<br />2014 Measure BB Direct Local Distribution (“DLD”) funding distributed pursuant to 2000 Measure B, VRF
<br />and 2014 Measure BB Transportation Expenditure Plans are covered by separate agreements between
<br />ALAMEDA CTC and DLD recipients.
<br />
<br />I. Measure B, Measure BB, VRF, and TFCA funds obligated by this AGREEMENT shall be
<br />programmed, allocated, and expended for the purpose defined and in accordance with the provisions set
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