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File Number: 21-699 <br />are in compliance with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4821 et seq) <br />and the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 4851 et seq.). <br />Properties that were constructed prior to 1978 are required to have a visual assessment and, if <br />needed, testing of samples taken at the property that is clear of any evidence of lead-based paint. <br />There are an estimated 110 rental units in 88 residential rental properties that requires this <br />lead-based paint assessment/clearance. If lead-based paint is found, then the City will work with <br />RT to identify the scope of work and funding for the remediation, if necessary. City staff have <br />received technical assistance from Alameda County Housing and Community Development <br />Department Healthy Housing Services staff on identifying the project’s scope of work and <br />standards that RT should be held to. Staff estimates that this is the first phase of a possible two <br />phase grant project with the first phase contract amount of $150,000. Staff and RT will evaluate <br />this first phase to determine if additional future CDBG funds may be needed for further phases <br />and will bring forward such proposals to the City Council as needed. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·2015-2023 Housing Element adopted by City Council in January 2015, and certified by the <br />California Department of Housing Community Development in February 2015. <br />Previous Actions <br />·Resolution No. 2021.065 adopted on May 3, 2021, City Council approval of the FY 2021- <br />2022 Annual Action Plan for submittal to HUD; this housing activity program is described <br />in the Annual Action Plan. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy 57.04 Public Health and Housing, Action 57.04-B: Healthy Homes Initiatives to <br />address public health and safety issues in San Leandro residences…and will help <br />property owners/managers remediate construction and design deficiencies which <br />contribute to health problems in San Leandro residences. <br />Environmental Review <br />National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) environmental review of the umbrella ERAP <br />program is complete. This project will complete the full NEPA review of each address that <br />received subsistence payments. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />This Community Development Block Grant Fund program will cost $150,000, which was <br />approved by the City Council on May 3, 2021 as part of the City’s FY2021-2022 HUD Annual <br />Action Plan (see “Previous Actions” above). The total City Council approved FY2021-2022 HUD <br />Annual Action Plan budget is approximately $1.25 million, which including this $150,000 <br />lead-based paint assessment program: FY2021-2022 CDBG entitlement grant ($774,605), <br />CDBG carryover from prior years ($446,641) and CDBG program income ($25,000). The <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/30/2021 <br />340