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File Number: 21-769 <br />making more services available online, improvements to workflow assignments, and enhanced <br />and redesigned reporting functions, among other improvements. <br />Analysis <br />In 2020 staff solicited competitive bids to identify a consultant for Accela services. Five firms <br />responded, including: Visionary Integration Professionals, LLC , [s]Cube, Accela Professional <br />Services, Gray Quarter, and Etech. Given its deep expertise in Accela and GIS software, track <br />record of success, and strong references, Visionary Integration Professionals, LLC was selected. <br />Several areas of need were identified in the final needs assessment report, completed in <br />September 2020. The following improvements and enhancements were identified: <br />·Setup new record types for all modules, including forms and data conversion <br />·Update records with new custom fields, workflows and scripts <br />·Configuring GIS access within Accela <br />·Update Scripts to new Accela standard <br />·Update and create new reports <br />·Configure Communication Manager for automated emails <br />·Configure ACA to allow for full online submissions of applications, particularly for building <br />permits. <br />These improvements will lead to greater efficiencies in the way the City processes permits, <br />thereby boosting staff productivity and increasing the volume of permits that can be handled, <br />which has a direct impact on City revenue generated by the permitting process. In addition, these <br />digital transformations will make the permitting process available online, increasing customer <br />satisfaction. This will also have the effect of making the City’s permitting processes available <br />even in times of physical office closures, such as the shelter in place orders during the COVID-19 <br />pandemic or future emergencies. As such, these improvements align with the City’s overall <br />disaster preparedness goals. <br />In order to best implement these improvements, staff developed a Master Services Agreement <br />(“MSA”). The MSA is not a commitment for a specific project or piece of work. Instead, VIP and <br />the City will jointly develop and agree to separate Statements of Work (“SOW”), which will be <br />incorporated into the MSA, for each specific project related to this MSA. Each SOW will have a <br />defined scope, deliverables, tasks, timeline, and budget. For each fully executed SOW, the City <br />will issue a separate Purchase Order (“PO”) for the agreed upon amount. <br />The maximum amount of the MSA is $600,000 meaning that the combined amount of all SOWs <br />executed under this MSA cannot exceed $600,000. Staff developed the first SOW (SOW #1) and <br />it is included with this Staff Report and Resolution. The total value for SOW #1 is $63,820.00. <br />Future SOWs will be funded through a mix of IT Fund Balance and General Fund sources, which <br />can be appropriated through the budget adjustment process. In addition, Staff is evaluating the <br />Technology Fee that is applied to City issued permits in relation to funding technology <br />improvements, such as this. <br />Given this project will be an extension of the original competitively bid project, it is necessary for <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/30/2021 <br />430
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