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expressed his consternation that staff had not adhered to his suggestion that parking requirements be no <br />minimum and 1 space/unit. He determined this by reading the comments from community members in the <br />workshops and survey. And so it seemed to be decided to accept his suggestion. <br />Then, at the very last minute — literally, and it may even have been less — Commissioner Pon proposed, and the <br />full commission agreed without discussion, to changing that maximum to 0.5 parking space/unit in zones DA and <br />SA as pictured on the map on page 12 of the summary. They threw out what those members of the community <br />said in the workshops and surveys that staff spent so much time developing and promoting. They overrode the <br />final recommendations of staff. In my opinion, staff’s recommendations were not strict enough, but the Planning <br />Commission threw the baby out with the bathwater. <br />It’s hard to believe that, just a few months earlier, this same Planning Commission reluctantly granted Justin Osler <br />a parking waiver for Centro Callan and only granted it because his building will be across the street from an <br />underused parking structure. At that time, Osler told us that, in his experience, residents parked at .75/unit. <br />I ask the Council to amend the portion of these Objective Standards related to parking. <br />Change it to a requirement of a minimum of 0.5 parking spaces/unit and a maximum of I/unit. If you decide to <br />eliminate the minimum, at least allow the raised maximum. This would allow a developer to attract families when <br />other developers ignore them. <br />*All spaces, not just 15% of them, should have electric charging stations. <br />Reconsider whether Zones SA should be included at all. <br />We’ve seen that residents of affordable developments own fewer cars; one parking space/unit isn’t right for those <br />developments. I trust staff’s recommendation, based on what they’ve seen, for parking at affordable housing <br />developments. Maybe 0.5 spaces/unit is the way to go. But it could be less. <br />A note on zoning and land use: <br />Whatever your decision, I expect these parking requirements to apply to the portion of land described on the map <br />on page 12 of the summary. If the Land Use map or the General Plan map shows zones DA and SA over a larger <br />area, which I believe they currently do, these extreme parking requirements must not apply to that extended area. <br />I expect there will be no exceptions for PDs or overlays. In fact, I would like to see PD completely eliminated. <br />Thank you for your time and your consideration, <br />Sarah Bailey <br />District 5 <br />Agenda Item: eComments for 5.A. 21-758 Public Hearing to Add Section 4.04.336, Multi-family and Mixed-Use Residential <br />Development, to the San Leandro Zoning Code and Adopt Miscellaneous Zoning Code Amendments Related to Objective <br />Development Standards for Multi-Family and Mixed-Use Residential Development Citywide <br />Overall Sentiment <br />John Minot <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 8:32pm 01-03-22