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Agenda Item: eComments for 8.J. 21-722 Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution Accepting the Annual <br />Report on Receipt and Use of Development Impact Fees for the Year Ended June 30, 2021 <br />Overall Sentiment <br />John Minot <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 8:52pm 01-03-22 <br />In light of the recent item where applicants requested a reduction of park fees for their large affordable housing <br />developments, I want to draw public attention to the first line of page 2 of the attachment to this item: over the <br />eight years 2014-2021, the city collected park in-lieu fees of $4.3 million total, or about $540,000 annually from all <br />projects. <br />This is quite the contrast to when the applicant said they might have trouble making their (majority-affordable) <br />project work given statutory fees of $12m and requested to pay a reduced amount $8m. This reduced amount <br />would have been over ten times what the parks fund normally receives in an average year! <br />There's no need for me to relitigate that decision, but this contrast should show that our chronic underproduction <br />of housing is at least as great a disservice to the park fund, and one that will continue every year in the status <br />quo. <br />Unless we streamline development, likely including rezoning, the park-fund cupboard will stay bare.