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please raise your hand, or if calling in from a phone please press *9 to raise your hand. You will have 2 minutes for your comment, a countdown timer will appear for the convenience <br /> of the speaker and viewers. The first speaker will be acknowledged and invited to speak. Please make sure to unmute yourself when you are invited to do so. Your microphone will be muted <br /> at the end of that countdown or at the conclusion of your comment. <br />1.A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG <br /> {MAYOR} will choose somebody to lead the pledge <br />1.B. ROLL CALL <br /> [CLERK] Roll Call <br />San Lorenzo Unified School District Board of Trustees: <br />Board Members Campos, Medina, Peck <br />Student Board Members Celia Cohetero, Catalina Do, Isaiah Lucky-Simpson <br />Board Vice President Gonzalez <br />Board President Sinegal <br /> <br />San Leandro Unified School District Board of Trustees: <br />Board Members González, Prola, Sheridan, Toledo