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Reso 2022-085 Approving Third Addendum and Planning Entitlements
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2022-085 Approving Third Addendum and Planning Entitlements
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6/23/2022 3:14:19 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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capacity of public services and facilities. These impacts were studied extensively in the <br />certified EIR and three addenda for the Project, which include detailed technical analysis <br />and studies. Any impacts are mitigated through the adopted Mitigation and Monitoring <br />Plan. <br />Site Plan Review Findings <br />1. Site plan elements (such as but not limited to: building placement, yard setbacks, <br />size and location of landscape areas, parking facilities and placement of service <br />areas) are in compliance with the minimum requirements of this Code, and are <br />arranged as to achieve the intent of such requirements by providing a harmonious <br />and orderly development that is compatible with its surroundings. Parking, loading, <br />storage and service areas are appropriately screened by building placement, <br />orientation walls and/or landscaping. <br />The Project is in full compliance with the minimum applicable requirements of the Zoning <br />Code and has been arranged to be harmonious, orderly and compatible within the Marina <br />Shoreline Area because the project has been designed appropriately and because the <br />project provides adequate features, amenities and services. The Project includes the <br />following amenities and design criteria that enhance the quality of the Project: 1) the hotel <br />is designed with transparency along the front and back elevations to allow for views <br />through the lobby towards the Bay and includes design elements to break up the <br />building's massing; 2) the restaurant/banquet building is designed to complement the <br />hotel and make use of ample windows to take advantage of the views of the Bay; 3) the <br />market includes outdoor seating and is located in the parking area that will serve hotel <br />guests, residents, and visitors that are visiting the surrounding areas; 4) the multi -family <br />residential includes multiple private amenity spaces, including exterior space to take <br />advantage of Bay views and is designed with a series of massing breaks to de- <br />emphasize the appearance of massing from all vantages, and includes a landscaped <br />courtyard area; 5) the single-family neighborhood will include two- and three-story <br />single-family homes and three-story townhomes that utilize roof decks, where <br />appropriate, to create varied form and provide for additional private open space. The <br />proposed Project complies with all applicable requirements of the Zoning Code and the <br />approved Planned Development Project. <br />2. The building has adequate articulation, with appropriate window placement, use of <br />detailing, and/or changes in building planes to provide visual interest. The exterior <br />materials, finishes, detailing, and colors are compatible with those of surrounding <br />structures. <br />The components of the Project provide adequate articulation to all sides of the buildings <br />by utilizing varying wall planes and roof lines, and multiple colors, materials and finishes. <br />The design of the Project creates visual interest and lessens the appearance of bulk <br />and mass by providing articulation, balconies and overhangs, multiple colors and <br />building materials. <br />3. The landscaping complements the architectural design, with an appropriate <br />balance of trees, shrubs, and living ground covers, and provides adequate <br />Page 6 of 12 <br />Exhibit A <br />
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