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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS OF FACT AND DETERMINATIONS <br />CEQA, Planned Development Project, Site Plan Review <br />PI -Ns 21-0020, 21-0021, 22-0008 <br />Monarch Bay Shoreline Development <br />APN's 080G 0900 001 08, 080G 0900 004 01, 079A 0475 009 04, 079A 0590 001 05, 079A <br />0590 001 07, 079A 0590 002 00, 079A 0590 003 00, and 079A 0590 004 00 <br />Monarch Bay LLC (applicant) and City of San Leandro (owner) <br />CEQA Findings <br />1. Pursuant to CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, the City Council finds, on the basis of <br />substantial evidence set forth in the record, including but not limited to, the EIR, the <br />First Addendum, the Second Addendum, the Third Addendum and all related <br />information presented to the City Council, that the environmental effects of the Project <br />were sufficiently analyzed and that an addendum to the EIR is the appropriate <br />environmental document for the proposed Project. <br />The City Council further finds that none of the circumstances described in the CEQA <br />Guidelines requiring preparation of a subsequent or supplemental EIR exist because <br />the proposed Project: <br />• will not result in substantial changes in the Project which will require major <br />revisions of the EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental <br />effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified <br />significant effects; and <br />• will not result in substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under <br />which the Project is undertaken that would require major revisions of the EIR <br />due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial <br />increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; and <br />• does not present new information of substantial importance that was not known <br />and could not have been known with exercise of reasonable diligence at the <br />time the EIR was certified showing any of the following: <br />a. that the proposed Project would have one or more significant effects <br />not discussed in the previous EIR; <br />b. that significant effects previously examined would be substantially <br />more severe than shown in the previous EIR; <br />c. that mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be <br />feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one <br />or more significant effects, but the project proponents declined to adopt <br />the mitigation measures or alternatives; and <br />d. that mitigation measures or alternatives considerably different from <br />those analyzed in the EIR would substantially reduce one or more <br />significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents <br />decline to adopt the mitigation measures or alternatives; and <br />2. Having considered the administrative record, the EIR, the First Addendum, Second <br />Addendum, Third Addendum, and all written and oral evidence presented to the City <br />Council, the City Council finds that all environmental impacts of the proposed Project <br />