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Reso 2022-085 Approving Third Addendum and Planning Entitlements
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2022-085 Approving Third Addendum and Planning Entitlements
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public safety, and more diverse housing choices. <br />Policy ED-5.2 Housing Production. Substantially increase the production of a <br />variety of housing types meeting the needs of persons at all income levels. <br />The following Housing Element actions, goals, and policies are relevant to the <br />residential components of the Project: <br />GOAL 3 New Housing Opportunities. Provide housing opportunities and improve <br />economic access to housing for all segments of the community. <br />Policy 3.02 Mix of Price Ranges. Encourage a mix of price ranges to provide <br />housing choices for San Leandro residents of all incomes and ages. <br />Opportunities to include affordable units and market rate units within the same <br />development projects should be pursued. <br />Policy 3.09 Executive Housing. Encourage the provision of a significant amount <br />of executive housing as part of an effort to maintain and diversify the City's <br />economic base. <br />GOAL 53 Affordable Housing Development. Increase the supply of ownership and <br />rental housing in San Leandro affordable to extremely low, very low, low, and moderate <br />income households. <br />Action 53.03-C Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Maintain a local affordable <br />housing trust fund that is capitalized with in -lieu fees from the inclusionary <br />housing program and condo conversion fees. The fund should be used to <br />leverage affordable housing development in San Leandro. <br />The location and conditions under which the Project will be operated and maintained are <br />consistent with the General Plan, which established a goal of creating the San Leandro <br />Shoreline as a regional destination for dining, lodging, entertainment, and recreation, <br />and the San Leandro Zoning Code. <br />The Project was fully analyzed by a certified EIR and three addendums. A mitigation <br />monitoring and reporting program has been adopted to address identified impacts of the <br />Project. It has been determined that the Project, as conditioned, will not be detrimental <br />to the public health, safety or welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to <br />the neighborhood of the Project and will not be detrimental to properties or <br />improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the City. <br />3. That the proposed use will comply with the provisions of this code, including any <br />specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be <br />located. <br />Portions of the Project site have base zoning of RM-1800 (Planned Development), RM- <br />2000 (Planned Development), and CC (Planned Development). The Project complies <br />with the applicable provision of the Zoning Code and the Planned Development Project, <br />Page 4 of 12 <br />Exhibit A <br />
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