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Description Current Fee Reference Proposed Fees Explanation <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Building Regulations Division <br />1 Plans and Specifications See Engineering & Transportation Department Item 7, Public Work Projects See Engineering & Transportation Department Item 7, Public Work Projects <br />2 Building Permit Fees <br />A. Filing and Issuance Fee $136 plus valuation fees and/or other building fees as listed below CPI, 4.2% increase <br />Re-filing Fee for each resubmittal, deferred submittal, and/or revision after 1st resubmittal, or upon <br />2nd resubmittal for plan check on same project <br />50% of Filing and Issuance Fee per occurrence 50% of Filing and Issuance Fee per occurrence <br />B. Permit Fee <br />i) New Buildings, Additions, Tenant Improvements, Residential Remodels, and Combined <br />Mechanical, Electrical and/or Plumbing Permits <br />$1 to $5,000 $201 $209 CPI, 4.2% increase <br />$5,001 to $10,000 $209 for the first $5,000 plus $62.75 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction thereof, to <br />and including $10,000 <br />CPI, 4.2% increase <br />$10,001 to $50,000 $523 for the first $10,000 plus $18.31 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction thereof, to <br />and including $50,000 <br />CPI, 4.2% increase <br />$50,001 to $100,000 $1,255 for the first $50,000 plus $16.73 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction thereof, <br />to and including $100,000 <br />CPI, 4.2% increase <br />$100,001 to $500,000 $2,092 for the first $100,000 plus $13.59 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction thereof, <br />to and including $500,000 <br />CPI, 4.2% increase <br />$500,001 to $1,000,000 $7,530 for the first $500,000 plus $5.02 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction thereof, <br />to and including $1,000,000 <br />CPI, 4.2% increase <br />$1,000,001 and up $10,039 for the first $1,000,000 plus $4.76 for each additional $1,000 or fraction <br />thereof over $1,000,000 <br />CPI, 4.2% increase <br />ii) Stand-Alone Plumbing Permit <br />Up to $2,000 $101 $105 CPI, 4.2% increase <br />$2,001 to $5,000 $201 $209 CPI, 4.2% increase <br />$5,001 to $10,000 $209 for the first $5,000 plus $41.83 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction thereof, to <br />and including $10,000 <br />CPI, 4.2% increase <br />$10,001 and up $418 for the first $10,000 plus $13.94 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof <br />over $10,000 <br />CPI, 4.2% increase <br />$9,634 for the first $1,000,000 plus $4.57 for each additional $1,000 or <br />fraction thereof over $1,000,000 <br />$2,007 for the first $100,000 plus $13.05 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction <br />thereof, to and including $500,000 <br />$7,227 for the first $500,000 plus $4.82 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction <br />thereof, to and including $1,000,000 <br />$130 plus valuation fees and/or other building fees as listed below <br />Determination of Valuation for Fee-Setting Purposes: Valuation shall be based on total value of all construction work, as determined by the Building Official, including all finish work, <br />roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, elevators, fire-extinguishing systems and any other permanent equipment). <br />For new construction project valuations which the Building Official believes are understated at submittal, valuation may be determined using the most current International Code Council <br />(ICC) valuation table modified to account for a regional construction cost modifier of 16% or the most currently available regional construction cost modifier (i.e. construction value in ICC <br />Table * 1.16). <br />For tenant improvement, residential remodels, or other projects that do not involve new square footage project valuations which the Building Official believes are understated at submittal, <br />valuation may be determined using, up to 50% of, the most current International Code Council (ICC) valuation table modified to account for a regional construction cost modifier of 16% or <br />the most currently available regional construction cost modifier (i.e. up to 50% of construction value in ICC Table * 1.16.) <br />$201 for the first $5,000 plus $60.22 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction <br />thereof, to and including $10,000 <br />$502 for the first $10,000 plus $17.57 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction <br />thereof, to and including $50,000 <br />$401 for the first $10,000 plus $13.38 for each additional $1,000 or fraction <br />thereof over $10,000 <br />$201 for the first $5,000 plus $40.15 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction <br />thereof, to and including $10,000 <br />Note: The Building Official may adjust the plan checking/permit fee for an individual project when costs to the City are not congruent with this fee schedule. <br />$1,205 for the first $50,000 plus $16.06 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction <br />thereof, to and including $100,000 <br />2