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File Number: 22-361 <br />•San Leandro Police <br />Other City Departments <br />City Manager Robustelli reported that the City is trying to keep up with changing masks mandates and is back to <br />Phase 3 and looking to move into phase 4 within 30 days - which will mean returning to pre-pandemic operations. <br />San Leandro Emergency Services reported that within the city, there have been 15,041 cases, 79,594 are <br />partially vaccinated (89.4%), 74,733 are fully vaccinated (84%), and 60.2% have received a booster. These <br />numbers are for 5 and older. <br />San Leandro Police reported that in the Department had significant number of employees that were exposed or <br />tested positive, which put the Department into a critical staffing pattern . Due to multiple issues and the <br />Department is operating with four instead of five shifts, though while operations are impacted, officers will still <br />provide services to the public. <br />2.D.Healthcare Services <br />•Hospitals <br />•Davis Street Family Resource Center <br />•Red Cross <br />Kaiser Hospital reported that they saw a big boost in boosters in December with over 1000 per day, but now the <br />numbers are dropping, though they are working to get the message out about the need to be boosted. Members <br />and non-members can get a booster at a Kaiser facility. The hospital is seeing a decrease in the number of <br />patients and the call center is receiving few calls, which is positive. The visitor’s policy remains the same for now, <br />though it is being looked at. <br />San Leandro Hospital was not available for a report. <br />Davis Street Family Resource Center reported that they have also been impacted. With people using home test <br />kits, with the clinic doing about 26 per week. The main activity is providing boosters, with 324 in just the last <br />week. The clinic received a large supply of home test kits which will be provided to the public and those in <br />vulnerable populations and anyone who wishes to distribute them, just needs to have it documented to where <br />they went. The kits are also available for distribution during the homeless count. They are providing food bags <br />to 100 families per day, and that number has been consistent. Clothing distribution is not set up right now <br />because of Omicron. At Jefferson and Garfield were affected by Omicron, first in the children and then the <br />staff, but now they are opening back up. <br />Red Cross reported they are adhering to CDC guidelines for shelter operations. Shelter staff will need to be <br />vaccinated. All people in the shelter will need to wear masks. If a jurisdiction is requesting a shelter, they can <br />also dictate whether shelter staff must be vaccinated or not. The Red Cross is looking forward to COVID <br />decreasing so they can start doing shelter surveying. The Disaster Assistance Team (DAT) has been busy with <br />fires locally. The Red Cross also needs blood donations, partially due to the fact that there are not enough sites <br />to have a blood drive. People can go to to find a site to give blood and to get answers to <br />questions on blood donation, in particular, those in the LGBTQ community. March is Red Cross Month and <br />asking cities to make a proclamation in support. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/1/2022