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8 <br />B . Political Body, at its expense, shall furnish all material, labor, equipment <br />and supervision for the installation and maintenance of highway traffic control signals at <br />the Crossing Area, as applicable in accordance with the Designs. <br />C. Railroad, at Political Body’s expense, shall furnish all material, labor, <br />equipment and supervision for the work described in the Estimate(s) and in accordance <br />with the Designs, including, as applicable, installation of signals and/or appurtenances <br />and installation of the necessary relays and other materials required to interconnect and <br />coordinate the operation of the highway traffic control signals to be installed by the <br />Political Body. <br />D. Each party shall take all suitable precautions to prevent any interference <br />(by induction, leakage of electricity or otherwise) with the operation of the other party’s <br />signals or communications lines, or those of its tenants; and if, at any time, the operation <br />or maintenance of its signals results in any electrostatic effects, the party whose signals <br />are causing the interference shall, at its expense, immediately take such action as may <br />be necessary to eliminate such interference. <br />E. Except as set forth in this Section, Political Body shall not be liable to <br />Railroad on account of any failure of Railroad's warning devices to operate properly, nor <br />shall Railroad have or be entitled to maintain any action against Political Body arising <br />from any failure from Railroad's warning devices to operate properly. Similarly, Railroad <br />shall not be liable to Political Body on account of any failure of Political Body’s traffic <br />signal to operate properly, nor shall Political Body have or be entitled to maintain any <br />action against Railroad arising from any failure of Political Body’s traffic signal to operate <br />properly. <br />Section 17. SIGNAL MAINTENANCE COSTS <br /> Railroad shall maintain, in compliance with applicable laws or regulations as <br />determined by the Railroad, the crossing signals as long as they remain in place. Cost <br />of maintaining said signals shall be apportioned between the parties hereto in <br />accordance with Sections 1202.2 and 1231.1 of the California Public Utilities Code. The <br />precise manner and method of determining applicable charges, manner and method of <br />payment and other procedures under said sections shall be governed by the statutes as <br />supplemented by any applicable decisions of the statutes in the California Public Utilities <br />Commission.