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File Number: 22-404 <br />Regarding CDBG-funded Public Services grants for FY 2022-2023 (year two of the FY <br />2021-2023 cycle), staff proposes to continue to fund the same four agencies recommended by <br />the Human Services Commission. Because of the decrease in the FY 2022-2023 CDBG grant, <br />the following public service providers were each reduced by over 3% from their FY 2021-2022 <br />CDBG allocations: CALICO (Child Abuse, Listening, Interviewing, and Coordination) program <br />“Building Resiliency: Family Support Services for Abused Children” $22,552; Davis Street Family <br />Resource Center “Basic Needs and Family Counseling Services” program $33,812; Service <br />Opportunities for Seniors (SOS) “Meals on Wheels for San Leandro Seniors” $33,812; and <br />Spectrum Community Services, Inc. “San Leandro Senior Nutrition Meals Program” $24,064. <br />General Administration <br />For CDBG General Administration, HUD allows entitlement cities and counties up to 20% of the <br />total CDBG allocation. Therefore, a total of $149,500 ($747,498 x 20%) is available for the <br />administration of CDBG funded activities including the provision of federally mandated fair <br />housing services. Of the $149,500, staff recommends $139,500 be allocated for CDBG general <br />administration costs. Staff also recommends $10,000 in CDBG funding to ECHO Housing to <br />continue providing fair housing services to San Leandro residents. <br />Public Facilities <br />For Public Facilities improvement projects, staff proposes allocating CDBG funds to the following <br />three projects: 1) Section 108 loan repayment for the Senior Community Center construction, <br />which is an ongoing project based on a HUD repayment schedule ($173,257), 2) Building Futures <br />for San Leandro Shelter Rehabilitation, Phase II, for $65,229, and 3) City of San Leandro Human <br />Services Department & Building Futures with Women and Children for the Lewelling Shelter and <br />Drop-in Navigation Center, for $300,000. Building Futures’ Phase II rehabilitation work includes <br />needed building safety, fire and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades for the City’s <br />primary emergency shelter for women and children. <br />Housing <br />Staff recommends $100,000 in CDBG funding to the nonprofit Rebuilding Together Oakland /East <br />Bay to continue administering the City ’s Single-Family Home Rehabilitation Program. The <br />program remains in high demand for lower income San Leandro single family homeowners in <br />need of minor home repairs. This allocation has been decreased by $50,000 from the amount <br />that Rebuilding Together-Oakland/East Bay received last year in order for the City to fund the high <br />priority Lewelling Shelter and Navigation Center, urgent needs to assist Building Futures to <br />complete the Shelter’s renovations and the decrease in the City’s FY 2022-2023 CDBG grant. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·FY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, adopted by Resolution No. 2020-056 on June 15, <br />2020. <br />·Current Council policy is defined by the FY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, adopted by City <br />Council on June 15, 2020 to preserve affordable housing for low -income senior residents. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022