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File Number: 22-393 <br />connecting roadways to BART stations, including Fairmont Drive, A Street, and Tennyson Road. <br />The near-term implementation would provide a continuous bicycle facility suitable for all ages and <br />abilities, and would incorporate multimodal safety, transit, and placemaking elements. The <br />Project can be constructed in 3-5 years, dependent on funding for the construction phase. <br />The goals of the Project are to: <br />·Provide safe, Class I or Class IV (to the extent feasible) options for biking for all ages and <br />abilities <br />·Improve safety by physically separating bicyclists from high speed, high volume vehicular <br />traffic to the extent feasible <br />·Create a continuous north/south bike facility connecting seven BART stations <br />·Create more opportunities for pedestrians and people with disabilities to cross the street <br />safely by implementing high visibility crosswalks and pedestrian beacons as well as <br />implementation of directional curb ramps, when feasible <br />·Improve transit reliability and multimodal access to regional transit, schools, downtown <br />areas, and major activity centers <br />·Improve multimodal access to BART stations <br />·Reduce greenhouse gas emissions <br />The Project implementation strategy includes the following elements: <br />·High-quality pedestrian facilities and bicycle facilities for all ages and abilities: The Project <br />proposes implementation of Class I and Class IV (to the extent feasible) bicycle facilities <br />along major streets. In San Leandro, improvements are proposed along San Leandro <br />Boulevard and East 14th Street, as well as on the streets connecting to the BART stations <br />such as Fairmont Drive. Intersection crossings will also be improved with shorter and safer <br />crosswalks. Whenever feasible on major intersections, the design includes protected <br />intersection or dedicated intersection elements for bicyclists consistent with National <br />Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban Bikeway Design guidance. <br />·Transit reliability and access: The Project is considering targeted rapid bus infrastructure <br />that will improve access to transit, reliability, and reduce delays at bus stops. The <br />improvements potentially include transit islands, installation of Transit Signal Priority <br />(TSP), and queue jumps where buses enter/leave the corridor to access BART stations. <br />·Placemaking to support economic development: The Project proposes to support <br />economic development opportunities and enhance existing neighborhoods through <br />complementary design elements that would expand pedestrian space, support urban <br />greening elements, increase public use of the street, increase visual identity, and create <br />opportunities for activating adjacent properties, such as surface parking and vacant lots. <br />The Project also evaluates available parking and curb management to support multimodal <br />treatments and business activity. The placemaking element goal is to create a cohesive, <br />visual identity for the corridor while also highlighting the unique character of specific <br />districts. <br />PUBLIC OUTREACH <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022