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File Number: 22-408 <br />recovers from the pandemic. Sales and Transaction and Use taxes combined are the <br />City’s largest revenue source, with further growth increasing from 40% of total General <br />Fund revenues to 42%. <br />(Note-2021-2022 Adjusted Budget $52,927,000, adjusted by $1,700,000, 3% increase <br />above Amended Budget of $51,227,000). <br />·Utility Users Tax (2022-2023 Adjusted Budget $11,537,000, adjusted by $770,000, 7% <br />increase above Amended Budget of $10,767,000) <br />Adjusted Budget revenue increase in 2022-2023 is related to higher revenue from gas and <br />electric services as projected by the City’s consultant Avenu, including nearly $237,000 <br />from legal action forcing PG&E to correctly account for greenhouse gas credits. <br />·Other Tax (2022-2023 Adjusted Budget $1,516,000, adjusted by $400,000, 36% <br />increase above Amended Budget of $1,116,000) <br />Cannabis Add-On Tax revenue projected at $1,000,000, exceeding the amended budget <br />for payments from licensed dispensaries. <br />·Charges for Services (2022-2023 Adjusted Budget $2,590,000, adjusted by $425,000, <br />20% increase above Amended Budget of $2,165,000) <br />Adjusted Budget revenue increase in 2022-2023 related to higher revenues from <br />Community Development planning services and Recreation programs. <br />·Interest & Property Income (2022-2023 Adjusted Budget $2,564,000, decreased by <br />$75,000, 3% decrease below Amended Budget of $2,639,000)-Adjusted Budget revenue <br />reduces based on projected reduction in rental income from Marina Community Center. <br />All other taxes and revenue receipts are projected to align with the amended budget. <br />General Fund Expenditures <br />The 2022-2023 Adjusted Budget appropriates total expenditures of $150,694,000, an increase <br />of $10,949,000 above the Amended Budget. Adjusted Budget expenditure appropriations <br />increase in 2022-2023 based on departmental requests for changes in service levels, increases <br />in internal allocations to the City’s Internal Service Funds, appropriating 2021-2022 Purchase <br />Orders re-encumbered in 2022-2023, and the 2022-2023 re-appropriation of expenditure budget <br />line items approved in 2021-2022. Appropriating department 2021-2022 Purchase Orders <br />re-encumbered in 2022-2023 in the General Fund amounts to $734,900. <br />·General Administration (2022-2023 Adjusted Budget $7,686,000, adjusted by $450,000 <br />above Amended Budget of $7,236,000) <br />Adjusted Budget expenditure appropriation increase in 2022-2023 related to redesigning <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022