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File Number: 22-245 <br />·It will facilitate development of the underutilized Shoreline site, bringing to fruition nearly a <br />decade of City and community planning for the site and area. <br />·It improves an underdeveloped site with convenient freeway, street, bicycle, and <br />pedestrian access that would allow the City to implement its recently adopted Complete <br />Streets program, improve access to the Bay Trail, and provide increased opportunities for <br />local non-vehicular travel within and connecting to the site. <br />·It provides a diversity of types of units to meet different types of housing needs and will <br />contribute towards meeting the City’s RHNA need for above moderate housing. <br />·It promotes economic growth, creates diverse new employment opportunities, expands the <br />City's tax base and will stabilize the Shoreline Enterprise Fund, which is currently burdened <br />with significant debt due to the costs of past dredging operations. <br />·Development of the Project site will also provide construction employment opportunities. <br />A First Addendum to the 2015 Certified Final Environmental Impact Report for the updated San <br />Leandro Shoreline Development Project was approved by the City Council on February 24, 2020 <br />(SCH # 2013072011). A Second Addendum analyzing Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8633 was <br />recommended by the Planning Commission on April 21, 2022 for City Council consideration on <br />May 16, 2022. <br />Staff reviewed the proposed project and analyzed it based upon Section 15162 of the CEQA <br />Guidelines. Pursuant to CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, the City of San Leandro completed a <br />Third Addendum (Exhibit B to the draft Resolution in Attachment A) to the San Leandro Shoreline <br />Development Project Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The Addendum concluded that the <br />proposed project would not result in any new significant impacts or substantially increase the <br />severity of any significant impacts identified in the Certified EIR. No new information of substantial <br />importance was identified, and no new mitigation measures would be necessary to reduce <br />significant impacts. No further environmental review is required for the proposed project. <br />Planning Commission Review and Actions <br />On June 2, 2022 the Planning Commission held a public hearing (continued from May 19) and <br />recommended approval to the City Council on a 5-1-1 vote with Commissioner Mendoza voting <br />no and Chair Boldt abstaining due to a recusal. The Commission asked clarifying questions of <br />staff and recommended two minor modifications to the conditions of approval to address design <br />details related to insetting of windows for the overall project and replacement of a fence material <br />proposed for the hotel. There was one public comment made on May 19 related to floodplain <br />regulations and one written comment letter of support from YIMBY Law. There were no public <br />comments received on June 2. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br /> <br />In December 2008, a Shoreline Citizens Advisory Committee (Shoreline CAC) was formed to <br />advise the City Council and staff on the vision for the Shoreline development area. The Shoreline <br />CAC fulfilled its mission and was disbanded in Spring 2011 when the City Council signed an <br />Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with Cal-Coast Developers. In 2012, the City Council <br />Shoreline-Marina Committee approved a Shoreline Advisory Group to provide continuing <br />community input to the City Council and staff on the comprehensive master plan for the Shoreline <br />Page 11 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022