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<br /> <br /> <br /> Page 3 of 12 <br />Exhibit A <br />with single family homes and townhomes, and other site improvements, in compliance <br />with applicable requirements. <br /> <br />The Project will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare and will not be <br />detrimental to properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the <br />City because the Project was thoroughly evaluated through a comprehensive <br />environmental impact report and three addenda to that report, which included multiple <br />technical studies. The Project is subject to a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting <br />Program (MMRP). The Project will be subject to compliance with the City’s uniformly <br />applicable development policies, including the provisions of the General Plan, Zoning <br />Code and Municipal Code, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, all of <br />which contain policies and requirements to ensure that development in the City does <br />not create a public nuisance or conditions detrimental to the public health, safety or <br />welfare of the community. <br /> <br />The Project is consistent with the General Plan, which anticipates and discusses <br />proposed development of the Shoreline Area. <br /> <br />The following General Plan goals, policies, and actions apply (note: LU-Land Use; ED- <br />Economic Development): <br /> <br />GOAL LU-9. Reinforce the San Leandro Shoreline as a regional destination for dining, <br />lodging, entertainment, and recreation, while creating a new waterfront neighborhood <br />with housing, retail, and office uses. <br /> <br />Policy LU-9.1 Waterfront Enhancement. Enhance the San Leandro waterfront <br />as a distinguished recreational shoreline and conservation area, with <br />complementary activities that boost its appeal as a destination for San Leandro <br />residents and visitors. Future development at the Shoreline should be <br />compatible with the area's scenic and recreational qualities. <br /> <br />Policy LU-9.3. Public Amenities in Shoreline Development. Ensure that future <br />development at the Shoreline includes complementary amenities that benefit <br />San Leandro residents and current shoreline users, such as improved park <br />space, restaurants, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and access to the Bay Trail. <br /> <br />Policy LU-9.4. Land Use Mix. Strive for a mix of land uses in the San Leandro <br />Shoreline area that requires little or no City investment and results in a <br />Shoreline that is financially self-supporting. Development should be phased in a <br />manner that is consistent with this policy, and should maximize the extent to <br />which commercial development funds public amenities and services. <br /> <br />GOAL ED-5 Provide amenities that attract and retain businesses and encourage those <br />working in San Leandro to also live in San Leandro. <br /> <br />Policy ED-5.1 Key Amenities. Support amenities that attract businesses and <br />employees to the City, including a more vibrant downtown, walkable <br />neighborhoods, better dining and entertainment options, quality education and