City of San Leandro
<br />Meeting Date: June 21, 2022
<br />Presentation
<br />Agenda Section:File Number:22-418 RECOGNITIONS
<br />Agenda Number:2.c.
<br />TO:City Council
<br />FROM:Fran Robustelli
<br />City Manager
<br />BY:City Council
<br />FINANCE REVIEW:Not Applicable
<br />TITLE:Proclaiming June 27, 2022, as Fred Zehnder Day in San Leandro
<br />June 27, 2022, as Fred Zehnder Day in San Leandro
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, Fred (Frederick Eugene) Zehnder was born March 5, 1934, in Lakeport, California where he
<br />grew up on a dairy farm with his three surviving brothers; and
<br />WHEREAS, in 1944, he established the Scotts Valley News at the age of 10 and delivered 50 copies of his
<br />one-page weekly, which he reported, wrote, edited, and printed by himself; and
<br />WHEREAS, in 1952, he attended Humboldt State College, where he majored in journalism and later worked
<br />part-time at a radio station in Eureka, California; and
<br />WHEREAS, in 1956, he was drafted into the Army, upon his graduation from Humboldt State, at age 22. He
<br />was posted to Fort Bliss, Texas, where he worked at an Army public information office; and
<br />WHEREAS, in 1988 Fred was the news director for KTVU in Oakland where he hired notable on-air talents
<br />such as Dennis Richmond, Barbara Simpson, Elaine Corral, Leslie Griffith, Julie Haener, weatherman Bill Martin, and
<br />sports anchor Mark Ibanez; and
<br />WHEREAS, Fred founded the San Leandro Times in 1991 and later purchased the Castro Valley Forum; and
<br />WHEREAS, each week, 20,000 newspapers are delivered free to residents and businesses in Castro Valley
<br />and 31,236 to San Leandro and Sheffield Village. Another 10,000 are delivered to store racks; and
<br />WHEREAS, Fred died on June 27, 2021 at the age of 87 when he was hit by a car in his Alameda
<br />neighborhood.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, I, Pauline Russo Cutter, Mayor of the City of San Leandro, do hereby proclaim June
<br />27, 2022, as Fred Zehnder Day in the City of San Leandro and commend Fred’s family, friends, business partners,
<br />and the newspaper staff for providing an invaluable service connects our community.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
<br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022