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File Number: 22-431 <br />costs. <br />Analysis <br />A consultant is needed to prepare construction documents for this project. San Leandro usually <br />selects design consultants through a request for proposals or request for qualifications process; <br />however, the City’s purchasing policy permits selection of consultants without using this process <br />when warranted. Selecting a consultant for this project directly is the only way the City can meet <br />the grant schedule. <br />RRM Design Group was selected as the designer for this project. RRM Design is a landscape <br />architecture and civil engineering firm with an office in San Leandro that specializes in park <br />design and has recent local experience with all-ability parks in Hayward and Pleasanton. RRM <br />Design is well qualified to design the improvements and can meet the project schedule. <br />The attached contract represents our current understanding of the work required. Occasionally, <br />changes to the scope of contracts are necessary to respond to new information and/or to include <br />additional items of work necessary for a complete product. To resolve these issues in a timely <br />fashion and avoid delaying work, staff requests authorization to issue individual contract <br />amendments to the consultant up to 10% or $27,533 each and cumulative contract amendments <br />up to 25%, or $68,833 of the original contract. <br />This project is not fully funded. Consistent with direction from the City Council Facilities <br />Committee, City staff will be returning to the City Council in Fall 2022 to present various potential <br />funding options that could be utilized to the bridge the approximately $2.25 million shortfall. <br />Based on the Council’s direction at that time, additional funding will be formally requested for <br />appropriation when a construction contract is awarded. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure. <br />Previous Actions <br />On December 6, 2021, by Resolution No. 2021-173 the City Council accepted grant funds for this <br />project. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />The City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee received a presentation on this project <br />on May 4, 2022,and recommended renovating the entire Memorial Park using both the grant <br />funds and local funds. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy OSC-1.1 Park Rehabilitation. Encourage the rehabilitation of the City’s parks to provide <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022