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Letter of Agency Please complete and return this Letter of Agency (LOA) by July 1, 2022, to: <br />CTC Technology & Energy <br />On behalf of <br />California Library Connect 10613 Concord Street Kensington, MD 20895 From: <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Library Jurisdiction/Library Organization County This Letter of Agency (LOA) is to confirm participation in the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) E-rate Consortium as an eligible member entity for E-rate discounts in 2022-23, 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-27 E-rate application years. I authorize CENIC (E-rate Entity No. 225495) to act on my behalf in matters related to the federal E-rate discount program for the purposes of securing those discounts on eligible telecommunications/data transmission services for eligible library locations. I understand that in submitting E-rate forms, which include us in the consortium, CENIC is making certifications for our library or library system. By signing this LOA, I make the following certifications on behalf of our entity: 1.I certify that our library or library system is eligible for assistance from a StateLibrary Administrative Agency under the Library Services and Technology Act of1996, Pub. L. No. 104-208, § 211 et seq., 110 Stat. 3009 (1996) that do not operateas for-profit businesses and whose budgets are completely separate from any school(including, but not limited to elementary, secondary schools, colleges, oruniversities).2.I certify that our library or library system has secured access, separately or throughthis program, to all of the resources, including computers, training, software,internal connections, maintenance, and electrical capacity, necessary to use theservices acquired by CENIC on our behalf. I recognize that some of theaforementioned resources are not eligible for support. I certify that to the extentthat the billed entity is passing through the non-discounted charges for the servicesrequested under this Letter of Agency, that the entities I represent have secured <br />City of San Leandro / San Leandro Community Library Alameda