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File Number: 22-378 <br />Branch Library unless the City was awarded the grant for the CENIC network. <br />Analysis <br />Not only has the elimination of the non-resident fee card provided an equity measure for library <br />service to patrons in unincorporated areas of San Leandro, but it has provided equity measures <br />for residents as well because it opens the door to opportunities like CENIC to provide funding for <br />broadband access to San Leandro residents at the Mulford-Marina Branch Library. <br />The alternative would be to pay for a continuation of the City fiber network to Mulford-Marina at full <br />cost. While long-term this is still a very valuable option to complete the City fiber network, in the <br />short-term, the CENIC network solves this ongoing disparity of service at a minimal cost. <br />Furthermore, the long-term solution, while worth the effort, will be significantly more expensive <br />because the City would not only be paying to activate the fiber, but to install it as well. This CENIC <br />opportunity provides both installation and activation for a very limited cost because the Budget <br />Act of 2021, AB 128, Chapter 21, 2021 Statute requires the California State Library pay the <br />Circuit Deployment Fees on behalf of public libraries connecting to CalREN. <br />Approving these agreements to utilize the CENIC network frees up funds from the ARPA funding <br />that would have been used to accomplish this access. At a minimum that is $33,423 of ARPA <br />funding that can be reallocated for other City priorities . <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />GOAL CSF-3 Sustain and expand a public library system that provides a destination for <br />exploration and discovery, knowledge and information, leisure and cultural enrichment, and <br />life-long learning opportunities for persons of all ages. <br />·Policy CSF-3.2 Library Innovation. Consider innovative approaches to generating funds or <br />space for new or upgraded library facilities, including public-private partnerships, <br />colocation with other public facilities, and joint development., <br />·Action CSF-3.2.A: Mulford and South Branch Replacement Continue to explore options for <br />replacing or modernizing the Mulford Branch and South Branch libraries. Opportunities to <br />incorporate modern new branch library facilities as part of future mixed use development <br />at the Shoreline and in the Bay Fair area should be encouraged and supported. <br />Environmental Review <br />No Environmental Review is required. <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />·Library Director Brian Simons reported the CENIC grant opportunity to the Library - <br />Historical Commission October 7, 2021 and while no action needed to be taken, the <br />Commission was in support. <br />·Library Director Brian Simons further reported on the progress of the CENIC grant <br />opportunity to the Library - Historical Commission March 15, 2022. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022