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March 15, 2022Library-Historical Commission Minutes <br />Library-Historical Commission Cherry Festival Parade Float7.A. <br />B. Simons provided a brief history of the Cherry Festival Parade. B. Simons has <br />reached out to City Staff responsible for coordinating the parade and the plan is to <br />send a letter to all board and commissioner members encouraging participation in <br />the Cherry Festival parade. The letter will be generated from the City Manager’s <br />Office and include an application and RSVP request to participate. There will be no <br />monetary entry fee to participate, however, there is no guarantee a vehicle will be <br />provided as in the past. There will be a pre parade meeting and logistics are still <br />being finalized. Per the direction from the City Manager’s Office no library staff <br />time will be available to help with the parade. The Boards/Commissions are <br />responsible for coordinating their participation in the event. <br />Chair Lum provided a history of the Library-Historical Commission’s participation in <br />past Cherry Festival parades and requested Commissioners feedback. <br />Vice-Chair recalls handing out Summer Reading Program flyers and is in favor of <br />walking the parade with her family passing out flyers. Vice-Chair Heystek is also <br />willing to help with decorating a vehicle if one will be used. <br />Commissioner Chang is ok with walking and passing out flyers also. <br />Commissioner Ritter suggested a possible vehicle to decorate that the <br />Commissioners could follow. <br />Chair Lum asked if Commissioners were willing to donate to fund purchasing small <br />items to pass out while walking in the parade. <br />The motion was made by Vice-Chair Heystek, seconded by Commissioner Chang to <br />approve the Library-Historical Commission enter a specific float for the City of San <br />Leandro Cherry Festival Parade. The motion was carried by the following roll call <br />vote. <br />Aye: 6 - Lum, Heystek, Carney, Chang, Prola, Ritter <br />Chair Lum asked for a motion to form a committee to discuss and bring back <br />recommendations for parade participation and items to give away at the parade. <br />The motion was made by Vice-Chair Heystek, seconded by Commissioner Prola to <br />form a Library-Historical Commission Cherry Festival Parade planning committee. <br />The motion was carried by the following roll call vote. <br />Aye: 6 - Lum, Heystek, Carney, Chang, Prola, Ritter <br />Page 4City of San Leandro