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March 15, 2022Library-Historical Commission Minutes <br />Chair Lum asked if there were any volunteers to be on the committee to bring back <br />recommendations for parade participation and items to give away at the parade. <br />Chair Lum, Vice-Chair Heystek and Commissioner Ritter volunteered. <br />Commissioner Ritter asked that flyer be dual sided with Summer Reading Programs <br />on the front and Museum summer events on the back. <br />BALIS/LINK+ Discussion7.B. <br />B. Simons provided an overview of what BALIS and LINK+ are and how they will <br />benefit the library and library patrons. The library is currently exploring joining <br />these organizations. <br />No public comments on the BALIS/LINK+. <br />Commissioner Ritter shared her experience using LINK+ and its benefits. <br />Chair Lum asked how the message would get out to non-English speaking <br />individuals. B. Simons reported it would be shared through social media, flyers, and <br />reaching out to local organizations that can assist in getting the word out in <br />language. <br />REPORTS8. <br />Report of the Secretary8.A. <br />B. Simons provided an update on staffing and the tentative plan for expansion of <br />hours of operation of library facilities. <br />B. Simons reported the Farmer’s Market will be in the Main Library parking lot <br />starting April 6, running through October 5, 2022. <br />B. Simons provided an update on the hiring status of full-time positions. One <br />position has been filled and the Youth Services Librarian is in active recruitment. <br />One of the duties of this position will be to reach out to schools. <br />B. Simons provided an update on Memory Lab. B. Simons requested <br />Commissioners complete a survey that was emailed to them directly. The survey <br />has been sent to the community and feedback has been positive. The library is <br />seeking volunteers for this project. Please contact B. Simons if Commissioners <br />know any possible volunteers. <br />Page 5City of San Leandro