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File Number: 22-396 <br />Library services. <br />-Middle and Executive Leadership Year-Long Cohorts. This is an intensive year-long <br />program focused on improving problem solving skills, providing big picture views of the <br />environment in which libraries operate, and strengthening professional networks. <br />-Staff Development Initiatives and Activities Financial Support, which provides up to <br />$10,000 that can be used for specific trainings at San Leandro facilities or virtually, <br />provided the training is open to other PLP member libraries. <br />-Califa membership worth $400, which provides access to vetted public and library industry <br />service vendors with discount benefits from membership. <br />-Delivery/Courier services that allows San Leandro residents to borrow from any public <br />library in Santa Clara, San Mateo, San Francisco, Contra Costa, Alameda, San Benito, <br />Santa Cruz, and Monterey counties and to return materials to San Leandro Public Library <br />and the items will be returned to their home library. <br />-Directors List-serv and List-serv for Managers/Directors which taps into the regional, <br />collective knowledge of the profession to solve problems faster without recreating the <br />wheel. <br />-Selection lists, vendor lists, and MARC records sharing for collections in international <br />languages, which allows the San Leandro Public Library to collect in international language <br />items even if the City cannot hire staff members who are fluent in those languages. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />GOAL CSF-3 Sustain and expand a public library system that provides a destination for <br />exploration and discovery, knowledge and information, leisure and cultural enrichment, and <br />life-long learning opportunities for persons of all ages. <br />·Policy CSF-3.1 Library Expansion and Upgrades. Support the expansion and upgrading <br />of public library facilities and services to keep pace with changes in information technology <br />and community needs. <br />o Action CSF-3.1.A: Library Modernization Continue to pursue the modernization of <br />San Leandro's libraries to incorporate emerging technology and best practices in <br />library design. <br />·Policy CSF-3.4 Libraries as Neighborhood Centers. Promote programs and events that <br />affirm the role of the City’s libraries as community and neighborhood gathering places and <br />that reflect the City’s diverse population. <br />·Policy CSF-3.5 Resources for Self-Improvement. Ensure that San Leandro’s libraries and <br />other community institutions provide a setting for the open exchange of ideas and <br />information and provide an opportunity for residents of all backgrounds to improve their <br />skills and knowledge. <br />Environmental Review <br />No Environmental Review is required. <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022