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File Number: 22-405 <br />(including a 20-year Needs Assessment, Driving Range and parking lot upgrades) and with the <br />proposed Shoreline Project making significant headway (which includes renovation of the 9-hole <br />Executive Course), the Public Works Department would like to continue to retain Mr. Sams’ <br />services, as existing City staff do not have golf course operations/management expertise. <br />With the 2020 change from a golf lease agreement to a management agreement, the City has a <br />more active role in golf operations. This includes annual development (in conjunction with AGC) <br />and monthly oversight of the golf courses’ Annual Plan (budget), development and implementation <br />of golf CIP projects, ensuring that the City’s best interests are represented within the context of <br />golf course operations, and providing general direction to AGC on all golf-related matters. It is <br />recognized that the golf consultant will also be relied on by City staff to provide technical <br />comments on the proposed reconstruction of the 9-hole Executive Course and will coordinate with <br />Cal Coast and their golf course contractor during the reconstruction phase. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />This agreement will cost $60,000 annually, plus a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) effective <br />annually in subsequent years on July 1. The COLA will reflect the 12-month average in the <br />Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers in the San Francisco Oakland San Jose <br />Metropolitan Statistical Areas for the preceding years from May through April. <br />Staff included this contract amount in Account 596-56-002 (Shoreline Enterprise Fund - Golf <br />Course Operations), including an adjustment to this account as part of the mid-cycle budget. <br />Under the assumption that the City Council approves the mid-cycle budget for fiscal year 2023, no <br />further action is required to fund this contract. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Attachments to Staff Report <br />Attachment A: City of San Leandro City Council Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter <br />into a Two-Year Non-Professional Services Agreement with the Option for Three One-Year <br />Extensions Between the City of San Leandro and David Sams for Management of the City’s <br />Management Agreement with American Golf Corporation for an Annual Amount of $60,000 (Plus <br />Annual COLA) <br />Attachment B: Non-Professional Services Agreement with David Sams <br />PREPARED BY: Debbie Pollart, Director, Public Works Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022