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of a twenty-year effort by the City and Redevelopment Agency to transform a blighted and <br />underutilized site into a major transit -oriented headquarters office center with more than 1,000 <br />employees and space for several major corporate tenants including Trinet, Kaiser Permanente and <br />City National Bank. The project includes a half -acre nature walk and open space preserve along <br />San Leandro Creek. <br />COUNCIL FINANCIAL POLICIES <br />Over the years, the San Leandro City Council has followed a series of Financial. Values that provide <br />guidance to budget administration, capital financing and debt management - which are also used to <br />guide the budget process. In addition, the Council adopted, by resolution, specific Budget <br />Administration guidelines which set out guidance for fund balance designations and reserves <br />management. <br />The Budget Administration guidelines recommend sufficient fund balance to provide for: a) <br />Economic uncertainties, local disasters, and other financial hardships or downturns in the local or <br />national economy, b) contingencies for unforeseen operating or capital needs and c) cash flow <br />requirements. Further, the guidelines call for such designated fund balances to be at least 20% of <br />General Fund operating expenditures (budgeted expenditures for the following year). Consequently, <br />based on the General Fund's budgeted operating expenditures for FY 2010-11 the guideline <br />requirement is approximately $14.1 million. <br />Even during these difficult economic times, the designations reported in the accompanying financial <br />statements are a step toward meeting these guidelines. For example, the FY 2009-10 financial <br />statements reflect Council designations that total $12.7 million. While these designations do not fully <br />meet the guideline amount of $14.1 million, the designated fund balance does represent substantial <br />progress toward the guidelines while facing an economic crisis. <br />FINANCIAL INFORMATION <br />City Budget & Budgetary Controls <br />The City Council is required to adopt a final budget through the passage of a resolution no later than <br />June 3e, the close of the fiscal year, following a public hearing process conducted to obtain taxpayer <br />comments. This annual budget serves as the foundation for the City of San Leandro's financial <br />planning and control. The budget is prepared by fund, function (e.g., public safety) and department <br />(e.g., police). The legal level of budgetary control is at the fund level. The City Manager is authorized <br />to transfer budgeted amounts between departments and line items within any fund; however, any <br />revisions which alter the total expenditures of any fund must be approved by the City Council. <br />Transfers between funds must be approved by the City Council. At the end of the fiscal year, <br />encumbered appropriations are carried forward and become part of the following year's budget while <br />appropriations that have not been encumbered lapse, unless otherwise authorized by the City Council <br />and the City Manager. <br />x <br />