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16 <br />Proposed "Parks 2002" Ballot Measure — March 5, 2002 <br />EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT <br />Background East Bay Regional Park District now operates 59 regional parks and more than 1,000 miles of trails on <br />93,000 acres in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. These safe and well -maintained parklands offer <br />visitors a needed respite from the pressures of urban life. <br />With funds made available by the passage of Measure AA in 1988, the Park District has expanded by <br />more than 26,000 acres of parkland and shoreline, protecting these properties for wildlife habitat and <br />outdoor recreation. But several challenges now face the District: <br />• Park usage has increased with the East Bay's dramatic population growth. <br />• Maintenance and replacement costs have escalated in the East Bay. <br />• While past bond measures have provided significant funds for park acquisition and development, bond <br />monies cannot be used for ongoing maintenance of the parks. <br />So the Park District faces a dilemma: it needs to protect and expand open space, yet there are not sufficient <br />funds to meet the resulting environmental maintenance requirements. <br />Plan of In response to the above challenges, the Park District proposes a modest ballot measure to fund four <br />Action major needs: environmental maintenance, public safety, resource protection/restoration, and public access. <br />The ballot measure proposal has been discussed at community forums and "stakeholder" meetings during <br />the past several years. At their regular meeting on Aug. 21, 2001, Park District Directors approved a <br />resolution of intent to place the measure on the March 5, 2002 ballot, and directed Park District staff to <br />prepare a more detailed formal resolution. Deadline for submitting notice to the two county elections offices <br />is Dec. 6. <br />Proposed • Amount: No more than $1 per month per single-family home, 69 cents per month per apartment unit. <br />Ballot . Sunset Clause: After 12 years, the measure would expire. Renewal would require a two-thirds vote. <br />Measure <br />Details • Equity Distribution: Funds would be equitably distributed throughout the District's parks and trails. <br />• Use of Funds: 51 % for one-time environmental maintenance projects, 39% for new park and regional <br />trail openings, 10% reserve for emergencies and opportunities. <br />• Accountability: The Park District Board of Directors will conduct annual public hearings on projects to be <br />selected and funded by the measure. <br />Media inquiries: Ned MacKay, Public Information Supervisor, 1510) 544-2208 <br />Public informational inquiries: Pat O'Brien, General Manager, (510) 544-2000 <br />13 East Bay Regional Park District <br /> <br />