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East 14'b Street South A 3 February 19, 2002 <br />Ad Hoc Advisory Committee <br />Fiscal Impact <br />Not applicable <br />Bud,zet Authority <br />Not applicable <br />Attachments: <br />Nominees List to the East 14th Street South Area Advisory Committee (SAAC) <br />CONCLUSION <br />Creation of the Ad Hoc Committee and appointment of the attached list of nominees will <br />provide staff with valuable public input and advice from several housing service <br />providers, and a diverse and representative group of people living, working and doing <br />business in San Leandro, for the duration of the project. <br />HH/SB:nh <br />G:\DS\Staff Reports\City Council\2002\E 14th AD HOC Committee CC rpt 021902.doc <br />153 <br />