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BuiCding <br />Futures with <br />p Women & <br />ChiCdren <br />January 10, 2002 <br />Joann Oliver <br />City of San Leandro <br />Civic Center, 835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />Dear Joann: <br />San Leandro Shelter • Sister Me Home Safe House • lfidway Shelter <br />Community Education &' Outreach • Project Open Doors for Children <br />I am writing to request the City of San Leandro's help with BFWC's severe deficit and <br />cash flow problems. BFWC faces a $156,000 deficit this fiscal year in our $1.6 million <br />annual -budget (Attachment A), and without immediate emergency funding assistance, <br />we will be forced to cut vital services and programs in the City of San Leandro. We are <br />requesting a $25,000 grant. from the City to cover the deficit we face in the costs <br />directly related to providing services to San Leandrans. <br />Summary of the RIV, 7Iem <br />With the recession of the economy and the events of September 11th, social service <br />agencies have experienced a substantial reduction in private donations. We are aware <br />that. BFWC is not the only shelter provider -in Alameda County facing financial hardship. <br />Shelters are being asked to offer increasingly sophisticated services with virtually the <br />same size .public sector contracts they had ten years ago. We are expected to provide <br />24-hour shelter and extensive support and clinical services, as.well as far more complex <br />financial and statistical reporting than in years past. Our public sector contracts are <br />structurally under -funded, without enough funding to. cover administrative costs or pay <br />our program staff .a living wage. As we move forward into the next fiscal year, we- will <br />advocate for our public sector grantors to reevaluate our contracts such as CDBG, EHAP <br />and FESG, to increase the funding to levels sustainable for our agency. <br />In addition to experiencing the problems described above, BFWC's current deficit is <br />caused by two additional key factors: 1) rapid expansion of programs; and 2) extensive <br />and costly delays in the Alameda Navel Air Station base conversion impacting the <br />development of Bessie Coleman Court. Attachment B contains a deficit analysis by <br />costs center. As you can see from the breakdown of costs by program area, there is no <br />one particular cost center that has incurred significant cost overruns, with the exception <br />of Bessie Coleman Court Construction. <br />1395 BancrnftAnenue San Leandro, CA 94577. 510 357-0205 9 Fax 510.357-0688 • Toll Frec Crisis Line 866 A -NAY -OUT • ui�>>a.Gfiac.ur� <br />