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Bessie Coleman Court (BCC), scheduled to open in February 2002 at Alameda Point, will <br />provide 52 units of affordable housing for formerly homeless residents of all of BFWC's <br />shelters. Ongoing delays in the conveyance of the former Naval Air Station caused the <br />costs of BCC to escalate by nearly $250,000. Because we could not provide our lenders <br />with a leasehold deed of trust, we were unable to close two construction loans and <br />were forced to put the project back out to bid and to seek additional funding to cover <br />construction cost increases. Fortunately BFWC had raised enough additional funds to <br />cover the construction costs, but the "soft costs" such as staff time and agency <br />overhead needed to support the project for an added 18 months of development still <br />have not been recuperated. <br />In addition to.the overruns in construction costs of BCC, in the last eighteen months <br />BFWC has doubled our domestic violence safe house capacity in San Leandro to 20 <br />beds and reopened the Midway Shelter in Alameda at a 25-bed capacity. We also <br />launched a 24-hour toll -free emergency crisis line, where we have .responded to over <br />3,000 calls this year. -BFWC now operates 75 emergency shelter beds at three sites, <br />with two sites in the city of San Leandro. Even with this increased capacity, BFWC's <br />turn -away ratio continues to be 10 requests for every open bed, up from 5 for every <br />one bed three years ago. This program development and expansion required us to <br />invest financial and personnel resources before our programs could generate <br />reimbursable costs such as bed -nights. This expansion has drained our unrestricted <br />funds and all our cash reserves. To illustrate how this has affected our San Leandro <br />programming in particular, Attachment C contains the detailed Income and Expense <br />Statement for the San Leandro Shelter in the past six months. <br />Suninary ofDeficits in the San L ea17orc She/ter Program <br />While the bottom line shows only a $1,080 deficit, the true deficit is much larger. As <br />you can see in line 4202, BFWC has over -billed its County Social Services (CPSS) <br />Contract by $46,328 due to lack of income during this period. We plan to make up for <br />part of this difference in the amount of $26,000 in income from lines4104 and 4112, <br />which are contracts from Maternal and -Child Health and FEMA respectively. The first <br />contract will allow us to recuperate costs retroactive to the beginning of the.fscal year <br />once our proposed contract budget amendments are approved. FEMA fiunds become <br />available in January of each calendar year. Line 6000 illustrates a $5,353 cost -overrun. <br />in staff salaries due to use of shelter staff overtime. Because our.w ages were. so low in <br />the summer, we could not attract provide shift coverage, thus paying existing <br />staff substantial overtime. We expect this $5,000 overrun to continue for the next_ 6 <br />months, even though we have reduced staff overtime by half, because the San Leandro <br />Shelter Manger position was vacant during this period and we filled the position in <br />November. The total deficit for the San Leandro Shelter for which we seek a City grant <br />is $25,000. <br />1I `(O <br />