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MO 2002-021 to 2002-025 (Missing 2002-022)
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 2002-021 to 2002-025 (Missing 2002-022)
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7/12/2022 12:21:28 PM
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7/12/2022 12:18:56 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
Document Date (6)
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OtherSignificant Cost Overruns <br />In addition to staff over -time at all three shelter sites, the other, major cost overrun is in <br />the Finance and Accounting department. Our programs have grown faster -than our - <br />administrative infrastructure, and this is particularly true. in the finance area. After two. <br />years.of -an understaffed finance department, with -only one staff -person handling all <br />financial and contract management, we now, have a 10 hour .per week.CFO/Financial. <br />Consultant, a full-time Staff Accountant and an 80% FTE Contracts Manager. Without <br />staff to provide adequate financial -analysis, we -were unable to contain costs.or fully <br />analyze our fiscal health. The prior year's understaffing. has also created lots of <br />.unfinished work from prior fiscal years.-This,year we will pay for two audits, overtime <br />for the staff accountant, and additional consulting time from the CFO to.tatch up. Until <br />the overhaul of our fiscal management is,complete we will continue. to experience. cost <br />overruns in this area.- But we. believe these expenditures will lead to better fiscal <br />management and -stability in the long run: <br />Cost C017tainmel7t Measures <br />Attachment .D-contains our Agency Budget Cut Plan.. In thepast few months:we have <br />already implemented several costcontainment measures; including 'reducirg staff <br />overtime shifts .in..the shelters. by 50% . cutting employee benefits by 10%, and <br />restructuring the administrative staffing.: We are now in ,the process of implementing <br />further cuts, to reduce :costs by $43 000 in the next 6 months; including cutting a `senior - <br />.program positionto half-time;:cutting pse_of.licensed.therapi.sts,by 50%, reducing <br />phone costs, and having shelter managers work more :shelter shifts. <br />In .the absence of emergency funding by the end of February we will be forced to . <br />.implement further -cuts; including laying -;off our Crisis Line Coordinator and our Inter <br />Site Office Assistant, reducing all. staff benefits by. another 40% cutting all staff salaries <br />-by 5% eliminating our part-time Chief -..Financial position, cutting all use.of <br />licensed therapists, and cutting our Children's Program '.at:all three shelters by 50%.. <br />These: cuts will also have to carry forward into year starting July ist, in <br />addition to eliminating our Volunteer Coordinator. position. <br />The implications of these cuts .for emergency services :in .San :Leandro: are _enormous.. By <br />cutting alt use of licensed therapists, we .will be eliminating group therapy; one-on-one. <br />client sessions, and clinical supervision of staff at the `Sister -.Me. Home .Safe House and <br />the -San Leandro Shelter. Eliminating-our1riter-Site Office Assistant :means we will,not <br />have -daily. deliveries of client mail,.client checks,. food., -and -donations from our <br />administrative office to the. shelters... Eliminating our Crisis Line Coordinator position will <br />create further. dema rids -on already over -worked shelter staff by having them_ answer. <br />the crisis line. With the absence, of a Volunteer Coordinator, costs will increase further <br />.by not having the ability to recruit and oversee volunteers to answer the. crisis line, and, <br />not having volunteers to cook- and serve free dinners at the shelters. <br />J491 <br />
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