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1844 Bancroft Avenue 3 May 20, 2002 <br />PLN2002-00024 <br />Applicable General Plan Policv <br />Not applicable <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Staff notes that should the proposal be denied, the applicant does have an approved <br />Planned Development, which can be implemented with submittal of plans to the Building <br />and Safety Services Division for building plan check, and upon issuance of a building <br />permit. Staff believes, however, that the modified proposal provides for a better project. <br />Environmental Review <br />Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), rezoning of the property <br />required preparation of an Initial Study and Negative Declaration (IS/ND). The IS/ND <br />concluded that rezoning of the property would not result in any significant unavoidable <br />impacts. This document is included as an attachment to this report. <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not applicable <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />At its meeting of April 25, 2002, the Planning Commission voted 7-0 to forward to the <br />City Council a recommendation for approval of the proposed rezone to RS (PD) for the <br />southern lot and the modified site plan and improvements, with two additional conditions <br />placed on the project. Minutes from the April 25, 2002 Planning Commission meeting are <br />included as an attachment. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />For the April 25, 2002 Planning Commission public hearing, normal noticing, including a <br />legal ad, posting of the property, and notification for the 300-foot radius (including the <br />Bancroft Area Neighborhood Association) was performed. No one spoke in opposition to <br />the proposed modified project. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />Not applicable <br />Budget Authoritv <br />Not applicable <br />13 <br />