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COMMUNITY ADULT DAY CARE CENTER AT ST. PETER'S <br />yeas - 290 BROADMOOR BOULEVARD, SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 <br />morn OFFICE <br />.1 CIA June 13, 2002 <br />"r 200� <br />C[TY OE SRN LEANOCD <br />The Honorable Mayor <br />helia Young <br />835 E14th Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />- Dear Mayor Young, <br />As the Executive Director of St. Peter's Community Adult Day <br />Care Center in San Leandro, I missed a very important grant <br />deadline with the City's Community Funds for senior services. I hope <br />you will consider a decision to award funds to the Center for low- <br />'` income seniors from San Leandro. I made an innocent mistake: I <br />put the wrong deadline due date on my calendar. <br />Lack of funding means that 15 to 25 adults from San Leandro <br />will loose scholarships for the next two years. <br />The Center has received funds for the City of San Leandro since our <br />opening in 1984. St. Peter's is the only adult day care center in San <br />Leandro. We have continued to serve low-income families and our <br />demographics reflect the diversity of our community. About 52% of <br />our seniors are residents of San Leandro and they will have, without <br />going outside of the City, no where else to turn. <br />Most seniors attend to the Center to cope with the aftermath <br />of a devastating stroke or other neurological diseases such as <br />Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. The families of our seniors <br />' would be lost without the respite care that is provided by our <br />Center. <br />istake. I hope, on behalf of the <br />Again, I apologize for my m <br />frail and/or low-income seniors, you can consider our request. ur <br />seniors and their caregivers need the funds the most. <br />Ve 'truly yours, <br />�4 4Meon-( <br />Executive Urector <br />Board of Directors: Barbara Hamrick Ramona Ahrens Rebecca Worthen John Quintel <br />Denise Pugh Anne Rosenthal Ellen Brazelton Lew Pollack <br />Executive Director: Hattie Jones <br />