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CITY COUNCIL RULES AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE <br />June 27, 2002 Meeting Highlights <br />Committee Members Present: Vice Mayor Glaze (arrived later in the meeting), Council Member <br />Badger and Council Member Santos <br />2. Discussion Regarding Council Member Information on Website <br />Public Information Officer Jane McCrea provided samples of other websites where there are <br />featured pages of City Council Members. The proposed information to be shown on the website <br />for each Council Member would be as follows: <br />• Personal Information: a line or two about city residency, age, family <br />• Occupation <br />• Education: Degree and School <br />• Council Service: a full listing of current and past committee appointments, including <br />appointments to outside boards and commissions <br />• Community Service — involvement in community organizations <br />• Special Honors <br />• Professional Experience — can include additional occupation information and past work <br />Discussion ensued regarding whether to reference a Council Member's Empowerment Fund <br />opportunities for each district and it was suggested that this issue be deferred to the Work Session <br />that is to be held regarding Neighborhood Empowerment Funds and their use. <br />The Committee was supportive of moving forward with the proposed outline for City Council <br />Member information on the City's Website. <br />Vice Mayor Glaze entered the meeting at this time. <br />1. Discussion Regarding Amount of Time Allotted for Public Comment on the City Council <br />Agenda/Structure of Agenda Process <br />Committee discussion ensued regarding how to better structure the City Council Meeting in order <br />to get the most from public input, as well as move the Council Agenda forward in a timely manner. <br />Suggestions were made regarding have an opportunity for City Council Members and/or members <br />of the public to submit requests to hear staff reports and to speak to specific items on the Agenda, <br />whether they be on the Consent Calendar or under New Business. Once speakers cards were filed <br />in this regard, all other items on the agenda, regardless if they are Consent and/or New Business, <br />would be considered under one "Super Motion" for action. Under this type of agenda, staff reports <br />