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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />Date: July 10, 2002 <br />To: City Council <br />Via: John Je nis, City Manager <br />From: Ed S ling, Assistant City Manager <br />APPROVED AND <br />FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />CV vo� y(;o <br />Jo an O`7-15 q2 <br />Ci nager C2 gq 1 \ <br />Subject: COMMUNITY RECREATION FACILITIES BOND CAMPAIGN <br />Summary <br />As we begin the process of analyzing possibilities for voter -approved financing for <br />community recreation facilities acquisition and development, we should first discuss the <br />three most likely ways of undertaking the financing: <br />1. General Obligation Bonds, <br />2. Lighting and Landscaping Assessment District, and <br />3. Election on a package of general taxes accompanied by an advisory <br />vote directing how that money should be spent (the Santa Clara <br />County Measure A/B approach). <br />This information was presented to the Council's Ad Hoc Park Bond Committee on June 17. <br />Proposed Actions <br />Following the meeting with the Ad Hoc Park Bond Committee, staff developed the <br />following recommendations and timeline reflecting Committee direction: <br />That the City explore further the possibilities of adopting a Lighting and Landscaping <br />Maintenance District to pay for increased maintenance of publicly owned land and a <br />Measure A/B Santa Clara County election approach (read description below) for <br />general purpose taxes to build new capital improvements. The Committee and staff <br />agree that the General Obligation Bond financing technique should be reserved for <br />the school districts, in part because the voter threshold for school -sponsored bonds is <br />55% instead of 66.67%. <br />2. That the City assemble a blue ribbon focus group of community -savvy residents to <br />assist in the formulation of a strategy to take to the voters. With approval of the City <br />81_�E <br />