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ANNUAL REPORT OF HOUSING ACTIVITY <br />OF COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES <br />FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED 06 /3D__/QQ_ <br />01809000 <br />REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF <br />THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />835 EAST 14TH STREET <br />SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 <br />County of Jurisdiction: <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY <br />California Redevelopment law (Health and Safety Code Section 33080.1) requires agencies to annually report their housing activities <br />and maintenance and use of the Low & Moderate Income Housing Fund (LMIHF). Pursuant to Section 33080.3, a copy of this report <br />must be sent to the State Controller and filed with the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in order for HCD <br />to compile and annually publish a report of redevelopment agencies' housing activities in accordance with Section 33080.6. <br />Please answer each of the following questions in order to determine which HCD Schedules your agency must prepare in order to <br />provide a complete report of housing activity and fund balances for the reporting period. <br />1. Check one of the items below to identify the Agency's status at the end of the reporting period: <br />❑ New (Agency was formed during the reporting year but no financial transactions were completed) <br />® Active (Agency completed financial transactions during the reporting year) <br />❑ Inactive (Agency did not complete any financial transactions during the reporting year) <br />❑ Dismantled (Agency is dissolved) <br />2. How many adopted project areas did the Agency have during the reporting period? 0 <br />If the Agency has one or more project areas, submit a separate copy of SCHEDULE HCD-A for each adopted project area. <br />How many project areas were merged during the reporting period? 0 <br />If the Agency has no adopted project areas, do not submit Schedule HCD-A. <br />3. Did the Agency conduct any housing activity outside of adopted redevelopment project areas during the reporting period? <br />® Yes. Prepare and submit one copy of SCHEDULE HCD-B. <br />❑ No. Do not submit Schedule HCD-B. <br />4, Did the Agency have any funds in the Low & Moderate Income Housing Fund during the reporting period? <br />[XI Yes. Prepare and submit one copy of SCHEDULE HCD-C. <br />❑ No. Do not submit Schedule HCD-C, <br />5. During the reporting period, were housing projects completed within a project area or assisted by the agency outside a project <br />area? <br />® Yes. Prepare and submit all applicable HCD Schedules DI-D7 and El for each housing project completed. <br />❑ No. Do not submit HCD Schedules DI-D7 or HCD Schedule El. <br />To the best of my knowledge, the representations made in the above statement an the isclosures contained in the HCD Schedule(s) <br />submitted herewith are true and correct. <br />Date SignatLde of uthori d Agency Representative <br />Title <br />Telephone Number <br />California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 HCD-Cover <br />Cover (7/1//00) Page 1 of 1 <br />