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CITY COUNCIL OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MINUTE ORDER <br />NO. 2001-23 <br />SUBJECT: Retiring City Employees, Matter of Creation of and Appointment of City <br />Council Members to a City Council Ad Hoc Committee to Create a Policy <br />Regarding Recognition of <br />MEETING DATE: February 5, 2001 <br />Minute Order No. 2001-23, Matter of Creation of and Appointment of City Council Members to <br />a City Council Ad Hoc Committee to Create a Policy Regarding Recognition of Ong City <br />Employees (Appointees suggested were: Mayor, Vice Mayor, and Council Member Santos.) <br />(1156) <br />The City Council created and appointed Council Members Glaze, Santos, and Mayor <br />Young, to a City Council Ad Hoc Committee to Create a Policy Regarding Recognition of <br />City Employees. <br />M/S/C Santos and Glaze. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />Gayle Petersen <br />City Clerk <br />GP:dd <br />FAMINORDER\20011020501 NO-20 <br />