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Appeal of PLN2001-00005 Denial <br />05/14/01 <br />If the Board could find that the proposed expansion of vehicle storage into railroad right-of- <br />way can be compatible with the immediate area, staff recommended approval of vehicle <br />storage on the contiguous lot only to avoid a possible proliferation of such activities within the <br />railroad right-of-way. Therefore, only properties abutting the right-of-way could expand their <br />operations. This option would have the potential benefit of allowing the Board and staff to <br />require improved screening of adjoining uses where minimal screening is currently in place. <br />This option is still precedent setting, but limits the number of potential users. <br />Approval on the contiguous lot included recommended conditions such as requiring the <br />parking of towing equipment and storage of vehicles on the site and within the enclosed areas. <br />The expanded outdoor storage areas should be adequately screened with a minimum of eight - <br />foot solid fence or wall, instead of chainlink with slats and tarpaulin. Another alternative to a <br />solid fence or wall would be to remove the tarp and implement the use of plant material such <br />as an aggressive evergreen vine every three -feet on -center to fill the gaps between the slats. <br />In addition, planting large to medium sized 24-inch box trees every 30-feet on center to create <br />a buffer between the outdoor use and San Leandro Boulevard and residential neighborhood to <br />the east was recommended. <br />• At its April 5, 2001 meeting the Board of Zoning Adjustments denied of the proposed <br />conditional use application. <br />• On April 20, 2001 the applicant's attorney filed the appeal with the City Clerk's Office. <br />• On May 14, 2001, one week before the City Council meeting, the remaining area in the contiguous <br />railroad right-of-way behind the slatted chainlink fence was paved. The applicant stated that it <br />would be paved; however the area would not be used for vehicle storage, pending the City Council <br />decision. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />Not applicable. <br />Previous City Council Action <br />Not applicable. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />Not applicable. <br />