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MO 2001-041 to 2001-045
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 2001-041 to 2001-045
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
Document Date (6)
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Appeal of PLN2001-00005 Denial 2 05/14/01 <br />adopted Bikeway Plan. The location of the use would conflict with the City's Bikeway Plan, to <br />serve as a major north -south bicycle corridor through the City and serve the BART stations <br />directly for bicyclists. <br />This memorandum and attachments will serve as the staff report for PLN2001-00005. A copy of the <br />April 5, 2001, Board of Zoning Adjustments Staff Report and minutes of the Board's public hearing of <br />April 5, 2001, are attached for your review. <br />BACKGROUND <br />• In November 2000, the applicant leased two, 25- by 250-foot swaths of Union Pacific <br />Railroad (UPRR) right-of-way to expand its capacity for vehicle storage. One portion of <br />leased right-of-way is adjacent to the primary site on Harlan Street and the other portion of <br />leased right-of-way is across the street, on the north side of Harlan, adjacent to San Leandro <br />Towing and Duarte's Towing. <br />• The applicant would like to expand its vehicle storage yard into the contiguous railroad right- <br />of-way. The second leased area, across the street, would be used for short-term holding of <br />vehicles while arranging vehicles in the primary lot (527 Harlan). This proposed expansion <br />requires a conditional use permit application, which would modify the existing use permit, <br />CU-00-6, approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments last May 18, 2000. <br />• The railroad right-of-way adjacent to the primary lot has already been improved with access, <br />partial paving and fencing without the required conditional use permit. The applicant was <br />advised that a conditional use permit was required prior to any expansion of the vehicle <br />storage into the railroad right-of-way. The applicant did obtain the necessary encroachment <br />permit from the Engineering and Transportation Department to construct the new driveway <br />on Harlan Street. The secondary area across Harlan Street appears to have been slightly <br />graded already, but has not yet been paved, improved with driveway access or fencing. <br />• Staff outlined two possible recommendations to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for its April <br />5 public hearing: <br />1. Denial of the application; or <br />2. Approval of vehicle storage on the contiguous lot only with approved screening. <br />• Denial of the application would prevent the precedent of allowing outdoor vehicle or <br />equipment storage in the railroad right-of-ways. In addition, outdoor storage yards in the <br />railroad properties has the potential to have a detrimental and negative impact to City's efforts <br />and investments to enhance City corridors, thoroughfares, and special focus areas such as the <br />San Leandro Boulevard. Another reason for denial is that the proposed expansion would be <br />in conflict with the City's Bikeway Plan where a bikepath is proposed along the Union Pacific <br />right-of-way. <br />
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