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PLN2001-00004 3 8/21 /2001 <br />Not applicable. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />Not applicable. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />The General Plan designates the subject property as "Trend Change." The General Plan states <br />that these are areas where change is expected in the original development pattern due to a result <br />of social and economic pressures and City policy. It was anticipated that a range of proposals to <br />replace, renew or modify existing development would occur. Although zoned CC Community <br />Commercial District, the site has remained vacant and undeveloped for many years. The <br />applicant has applied for a zone change from CC District to RM-2500 Multi -Family Residential <br />with a PD-Planned Development overlay. This rezone is recommended for the proposed <br />residential development. The surrounding vicinity can be described as a mixed -use environment, <br />with a combination of residential and commercial/retail uses. In addition, because the proposed <br />project is near single- and multi -family residential uses (to the west and east, across Washington <br />Avenue) development of the project would not result in a physical division of the established <br />community and should blend in with the existing development pattern. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />The proposal will include exceptions to the RM-2500 District requirements for minimum lot <br />size, width, and setbacks. For example, the proposed townhouse parcels will be less than 7,500 <br />square feet in area, less than 75 feet in width, and have less than 6- to 10-foot side yard setbacks. <br />In exchange for these reduced standards, the density of the project is reduced from the maximum <br />residential densities of one unit per 1,800 square feet or one unit per 2,000 square feet that could <br />be allowed in the commercial districts (Zoning Code Section 2-696 A.). <br />Environmental Review <br />Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been <br />prepared for this project. Copies have been sent to the State Clearinghouse for distribution and <br />for the different State agencies to review. A copy of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Initial <br />Study and Mitigation Monitoring Plan is attached. The public review period for the document <br />was from June 13, 2001 to July 12, 2001. <br />The property had a history of automotive repair until the 1960s. Due to the previous automotive <br />use, the environmental studies prescribe remedial activities for the site. Thus, a mitigation <br />measure and recommended condition of approval will be that prior to issuance of building <br />permits the remedial actions shall be conducted and completed to the satisfaction of the Regional <br />Water Quality Control Board and the City's Environmental Services Manager. The actions would <br />include but are not limited to stripping/excavation of the upper six inches of the surface soil; <br />WAU <br />