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A <br />1844 Bancroft Avenue Appeal 2 September 17, 2001 <br />PLN2001-00041 <br />Previously, the second floor had been conditioned to be utilized for storage space <br />only due to the limited number of parking spaces. <br />• At its August 9, 2001 meeting, the Planning Commission voted to deny the proposed <br />revision because the Commission stated it could not make several of the findings. The <br />Planning Commission expressed concerns regarding the lack of windows on the first <br />floor office building; the overall height of the office building; and the architectural <br />features of the residence and the office building. The Planning Commission's denial is <br />a final action that can be appealed to the City Council. <br />• On August 16, 2001, the applicant filed an appeal of the Planning Commission's <br />decision for the City Council. In response to the concerns expressed by the Planning <br />Commission, the appellant has added windows on the first floor (street frontage) of the <br />office building; has lowered the height of the building from 24 feet to 22 feet (measured <br />at peak), which is only three inches taller than the previously approved building height; <br />and has modified the architectural features to more fully integrate the two structures. <br />Recommendation: With the proposed modifications offered by the appellant, staff <br />believes that the findings for approval can be made. Staff believes that the modifications <br />presented by the appellant respond to the comments made by the Planning Commission <br />and improve the architectural integrity of the project, and that the proposed site plan is <br />an improvement over the site plan layout approved by the City Council last year. Staff <br />recommends that the City Council approve the appeal; make the appropriate Findings of <br />Fact; and approve the project subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. <br />The City Council also has the following options: 1) deny the appeal and uphold the <br />decision of the Planning Commission; or 2) refer the matter back to the Planning <br />Commission. <br />BACKGROUND <br />• In October of 2000, the City Council approved a rezone (from RS Residential Single - <br />Family District to RS (PD) and P Professional (PD)); subdivision of the property into <br />two parcels; and a Planned Development for 1844 Bancroft Avenue. The approved <br />Planned Development was for conversion of a legal, non -conforming commercial <br />building into an office building with parking at the front of the building, and to <br />remodel and expand an existing single-family residence. With the approved <br />subdivision, each use would reside on its own parcel, with the residential property <br />configured as a flag -lot and located to the rear of the office building. <br />• The previously approved rezone and Planned Development included remodeling of the <br />commercial building for office uses, with three parking stalls located at the front of the <br />building. Although designed as a two-story building (21 feet, 9 inches in height), the <br />limited on -site parking precluded use of the second floor for anything other than storage. <br />/GD <br />