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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: December 17, 2001 <br />TO: John Jermanis, City Manager <br />FROM: Luke Sims, Business Development <br />Manager _10f7 <br />APPROVED AND <br />FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />Ill b <br />I-��-- <br />Joh Jermanis /--?'/-;� <br />Cit anager 01 S6) <br />BY: Amalia Lorentz, Development Project Specialist <br />SUBJECT: Matter of Appointment of Tom Dlugosh to the Joint Project Area <br />Redevelopment Advisory Committee to Fill an Existing Vacancy <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />Currently, there is a vacancy on the Joint Project Area Redevelopment Advisory <br />Committee (RAC). Staff recommends that Council appoint tom Dlugosh as a new <br />committee member, representing property owners west of San Leandro Boulevard. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The RAC for the City -County Redevelopment Joint Project Area is an elected advisory <br />committee comprised of business operators, property owners, and residents. The <br />committee meets monthly and advises the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency/City <br />Council on policy matters relating to redevelopment in this project area. <br />Members represent six categories of residents, businesses, and owners in the project area. <br />In February 2001, 16 members were elected to the RAC for a three-year term. Due to a <br />property sale, a vacancy in the category of "property owners west of San Leandro <br />Boulevard" has opened. <br />In July, the RAC supported the Council's general policy of appointing the runner-up in <br />the most recent election, a procedure that has been followed with recent vacancies on <br />both RACs. (The RAC noted one exception for the business operator west of San <br />Leandro Boulevard category, which was a tie in the original election, and for which a <br />new election was recommended if a vacancy occurs). The next highest vote recipient in <br />the vacant category was Tom Dlugosh of Dlugosh Cabinets. Mr. Dlugosh is willing to <br />join the RAC for the remainder of the term. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />Current policy calls for a vacancy to be filled by appointment of the next -highest vote <br />recipient in the appropriate category from the most recent election. If that person is <br />unable or unwilling to serve, the next -highest vote recipient in the appropriate category is <br />.�2A13 <br />