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TO: City Council, <br />FROM: Steven R. Meyers, City Attorney <br />RE: Charter Amendment <br />DATE: February 1, 2000 <br />PAGE: 2 <br />"Council Members and the Mayor shall hold office for four years. The term of office shall <br />commence thirty-five days after the General Municipal Election. If a run-off is required <br />pursuant to Section 225(b) of this Charter, the term of office for all offices voted on <br />during that General Municipal Election shall commence thirty-five days after the run-off is <br />held." <br />Lastly, the amendment will delete references to commencement of terms of office from <br />Section 600 of the charter so that only one provision of the charter discusses terms of office. <br />Section 600 will be amended to delete "Such ordinance shall also provide for the date of <br />commencement of terms of office following the consolidated General Municipal election." <br />When the City Council calls the election for 2000, the City Clerk will prepare a resolution <br />placing this language on the ballot as a Charter Amendment. <br />J:\WPD\NC%4RS W\ 136\001\MEMO\2000\Jan\charter.wpd <br />1:\ W P D\MN RS W \ 136\001 \M E M O\2000V an\charter.wpd <br />